Dzesi Pinkman wrote: ↑1 day ago
signal2noise, Tak to wyglada na mdphp, ale...tez jest mozliwosc ze nep byl jakis czas w czyms cieplym lub naswietlony promieniami slonecznymi i zmienial swoja strukture.
Wiele lat temu w taki kolor zmienail sie hexen jak go trzymalem wrzuconego w szuflade a akurat bylo przez pare dni w Polsce blisko 40 stopni w cieniu, wiec ta analogia przyponiala taka sytuacje.
blacksheeping, To rowny gosc dogadacie sie.
Over the years, NEP has probably been the most purchased RC for me, in volume of orders and quantity. I can say with certainty it is one of these possibilities:
1. It's NEP still soaked in some residual solvent.
2. It's NEP that had something spilt on it before being shipped.
3. It's not NEP.
Heat degradation does not do this to perfectly good NEP.
I'm sure he'll get back to me soon to resolve this, i hope that's the case, as he was very helpful during the order process and i look forward to more orders in the future.