PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
W tym temacie piszemy opinie i recenzje o PROTONITAZENE ze sklepu | In this topic, we write opinions and reviews about PROTONITAZENE from
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
cas 119276-01-6 is our new opioids products,effect very good.
cas 119276-01-6 to nasze nowe produkty opioidowe, efekt bardzo dobry.
Product Name:Protonitazene (hydrochloride)
Synonyms:Protonitazene (hydrochloride);Protonitazene
Product Categories:11927-01-6
Mol File:119276-01-6.mol
cas 119276-01-6 to nasze nowe produkty opioidowe, efekt bardzo dobry.
Product Name:Protonitazene (hydrochloride)
Synonyms:Protonitazene (hydrochloride);Protonitazene
Product Categories:11927-01-6
Mol File:119276-01-6.mol
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Protonitazene(cas 119276-01-6)
Isotonitazene cas 14188-81-9 replacement
Isotonitazene cas 14188-81-9 replacement
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Hi there! Is anybody that can give some harm reduction advices for this?
It is said to be 3 to 5 times more potent than fentanyl.. Lethal dosage of fentanyl is 2mg, so for protonitazene a dosage of 0.4mg could be deadly!..
and it is also absorbed through skin..
It is said to be 3 to 5 times more potent than fentanyl.. Lethal dosage of fentanyl is 2mg, so for protonitazene a dosage of 0.4mg could be deadly!..
and it is also absorbed through skin..
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
two kinds of protonitazene cas 119276-01-6 now:
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
The both protonitazene are quite different. It seems to be the same substance, but the white one is way more potent. Even if one inhales only maybe 0,5 mg of it, it is a strong first pass effect. Protonitazene is not as sedating as many regular opioids, so it can be used in daytime. But the white one I would only use for fun to experience a strong first impact after inhaling. That's just something for an experienced knowledged user , since there is a danger of passing out because of the high inpact of the high potency. The effect is more a heady one, not much bodily.
The light brown Prozonizazene on the other hand is very forgiving and excellent to use for day and nighttime. It evokes a calming feeling without sedation. So it is very good to help trauma caused stress and similar symtpoms. Also because of its mildness in can be used in the nighttime if one wants a little extra rexalation without heavy sleep induction. In fact, this his the only sleep facilitating substance (opioids AND non-opioids) that stimulates more and deeper dreams. For this reason I like it very much. It's easy to have a symbioisis with it without being affected too much. Another bonus point is the durance which is quite long, up to 10 hours. All in all it produces a gentle opioidic feel of safeness that is easy to handle - to me it is a balanced medicine against a disregulated nervous system. With the lightbrown one I didn't experience any significant withdrawel btw after stopping to test it.
Both Protonitazene have way less bodily relaxation/sedation than Metonitazene, so they are good to use for day time. Both are are easily applicable via vaporisation.
The light brown Prozonizazene on the other hand is very forgiving and excellent to use for day and nighttime. It evokes a calming feeling without sedation. So it is very good to help trauma caused stress and similar symtpoms. Also because of its mildness in can be used in the nighttime if one wants a little extra rexalation without heavy sleep induction. In fact, this his the only sleep facilitating substance (opioids AND non-opioids) that stimulates more and deeper dreams. For this reason I like it very much. It's easy to have a symbioisis with it without being affected too much. Another bonus point is the durance which is quite long, up to 10 hours. All in all it produces a gentle opioidic feel of safeness that is easy to handle - to me it is a balanced medicine against a disregulated nervous system. With the lightbrown one I didn't experience any significant withdrawel btw after stopping to test it.
Both Protonitazene have way less bodily relaxation/sedation than Metonitazene, so they are good to use for day time. Both are are easily applicable via vaporisation.
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Uważajcie z tym bo to niebezpieczna zabawka. Najlepiej 2x przemyśleć zanim się coś zrobi.
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PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Szoll, jak się boisz opiatów (w zasadzie to mowa o opioidach), to daj sobie spokój z tą substancją. To już jest serio niebezpieczna zabawka, możesz sobie zrobić krzywdę.
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Zgadzam się. Tym bardziej chuj wie co w tym siedzi. Możesz zajebać bardzo małą dawkę, i się przekręcićblacked_out wrote: ↑1 year agoI ja również, po falach zgonów po opioidach zazwyczaj zamawianych z internetu strach się ich nie bać.
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
protonitazene powder is stock goods now
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
the usage of brown Protonitazene powder
The way I recommend to use it: Take 5 mg of brown Protonitazene. Mix it properly with 20 mg of Mannitol. Now you got a mixture of 20 % brown Protonitazene and 80 % Mannitol. Now you need a microspoon, a glas pipe (oil pipe) and a jet flame lighter. Take about 2-3 mg of the mixture with the microspoon and put it into the glas pipe. Now you heat the pipe with the lighter, but be careful to heat it no too much, so keep enough distance between the flame and the pipe. The mixture will start to become a mild steam. Inhale this white steam. If it is too hot, either your flame is too close to the pipe or your pipe is too short in length. if every detail is OK, inhaling the steam does not has any negative feeling to it. Now you will feel an effect of the substance in form of relaxation or pain reduction if you suffer from pain. It takes 1 minute until the full effect is established. If you have no tolerance for opioids and are not in heavy pain, this dose should be enough. Depending on your tolerance or if you are in heavy pain, you want to repeat this process one more or a few more times until the desired effect takes place. Don't use the protonitazene purely, it will be too hard to regulate the dose and it will rather increase your tolerance.
The way I recommend to use it: Take 5 mg of brown Protonitazene. Mix it properly with 20 mg of Mannitol. Now you got a mixture of 20 % brown Protonitazene and 80 % Mannitol. Now you need a microspoon, a glas pipe (oil pipe) and a jet flame lighter. Take about 2-3 mg of the mixture with the microspoon and put it into the glas pipe. Now you heat the pipe with the lighter, but be careful to heat it no too much, so keep enough distance between the flame and the pipe. The mixture will start to become a mild steam. Inhale this white steam. If it is too hot, either your flame is too close to the pipe or your pipe is too short in length. if every detail is OK, inhaling the steam does not has any negative feeling to it. Now you will feel an effect of the substance in form of relaxation or pain reduction if you suffer from pain. It takes 1 minute until the full effect is established. If you have no tolerance for opioids and are not in heavy pain, this dose should be enough. Depending on your tolerance or if you are in heavy pain, you want to repeat this process one more or a few more times until the desired effect takes place. Don't use the protonitazene purely, it will be too hard to regulate the dose and it will rather increase your tolerance.
PROTONITAZENE - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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