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(Posty: 5 / 71.43% wszystkich postów użytkownika)
Najaktywniejszy w temacie:
Blacksheeping.shop - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
(Posty: 4 / 57.14% wszystkich postów użytkownika)
1 [ Wyświetl detale | ]
  • Jid ostatnia aktywność
  • 3-MMC CRISTAL Blacksheeping.shop - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
    first one was nice, exept communication and delay
    second order is catastrofic.
    i ordered again 3mmc, they told me 2 weeks after order they dont have 3mcc and will ship 2mmc...and... still no news...... communication is non-existent, they never answer, never sent tracking.... nothing works in this shop

    i will never order again to this shop, really.
    second exp was the last
    31 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 mies. temu
  • Blacksheeping.shop - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
    Hi, i received today my parcel.
    2 weeks after payment to France, nice packaging, very good quality 3mmc, good price and a bit more weighted
    This shop rocks !!
    2033 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 6 mies. temu
  • Bolchemist.eu - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
    Hi friends,
    i want to share my experience with this shop.

    i ordered many times thier 3mmc, right its a bit expensive but they always have good quality.
    Important thing, packaging is very discrete, good communication and and fast shipping.
    i tried some 2cd fly and sildenafil 100mg, nice too.

    1135 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 7 mies. temu
  • Blacksheeping.shop - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
    Hello, i already had a tracking since 1 week but it just announced, not shipped.
    I asked 3 times when it will be shipped and shop answered me 3 times "it should start tomorrow..."
    2033 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 7 mies. temu