Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
spachems, You think like a great businessman, that shows that you are a man with a lot of experience in this world! warm greetings[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
1. You have claims and requirements as buyers, not us as sellers, and usually the seller determines the conditions with which to work. In the store, none of you can determine the conditions, but everyone is trying to convey their claims.
2. Chinese laboratories have been ON TIMES BETTER than anything made in Europe for years. Anyone who doesn't know it has a problem with it.
3. You can't talk about quality and double prices, because you haven't tested our products or our prices are double. If someone has twice the price of a substance we offer, take both and go to a laboratory to test them, you will find the answer yourself.
4. Please stop writing nonsense and if you have nothing useful to share, stop complaining. These are chemicals that kill people, stop thinking only about your own ass and think that human lives depend on you. When something is dear to me - I do not go to the store and do not buy it. I do not understand the benefits of so much grumbling, yet you are not children and you are not in kindergarten.
5. We have said it and we will say it again, we have enough customers for whom the prices are good. There is a reason for the prices to be such and there will always be people who will appreciate it. When there is a reason to reduce prices, they will be.
A light and successful day, we will no longer respond to such attacks and grumbling.
2. Chinese laboratories have been ON TIMES BETTER than anything made in Europe for years. Anyone who doesn't know it has a problem with it.
3. You can't talk about quality and double prices, because you haven't tested our products or our prices are double. If someone has twice the price of a substance we offer, take both and go to a laboratory to test them, you will find the answer yourself.
4. Please stop writing nonsense and if you have nothing useful to share, stop complaining. These are chemicals that kill people, stop thinking only about your own ass and think that human lives depend on you. When something is dear to me - I do not go to the store and do not buy it. I do not understand the benefits of so much grumbling, yet you are not children and you are not in kindergarten.
5. We have said it and we will say it again, we have enough customers for whom the prices are good. There is a reason for the prices to be such and there will always be people who will appreciate it. When there is a reason to reduce prices, they will be.
A light and successful day, we will no longer respond to such attacks and grumbling.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Hi spachems , welcome to our forum
I think you have a price error on your website
I think you have a price error on your website
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
I only respond to this part: so what the f@ck did you register here for?
Postscript: Are Chinese Labs Better? Since last July, they have not been able to produce a usable cannabinoid, instead flooding Europe with rubbish only!
The other is that we know what the products made in e.g. **** contain, unlike stimulants (like “ecutylone” or other shit under all sorts of fantasy names) like those made in China.
Remember, most of the users on this forum are old bikers who can’t be look stupid.
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nie podajemy pełnych nazw sprzedawców spoza forum
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
What is shops previous usernames from darknet?
Wiadomość moderatora
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
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Orientacyjna liczba dni lotu/oczekiwania - dozwolona. Daty/dni tygodnia - zabronione!
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[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Does this rule also apply to the names of out-of-date darknet stores, which in principle was this seller before?
At least he says that, but there is no reference to that fact.
Does this rule also apply to the names of out-of-date darknet stores, which in principle was this seller before?
At least he says that, but there is no reference to that fact.
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Nie wiem czemu ale nie mogę wejść na stronę sklepu piszę że strona spowodowała zbyt wiele przekierowań doradzi ktoś o co chodzi?
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
angrybuyer, nie chodzi mi o darmowe sample, ale o ogólne podejście do sytuacji i do klienta
póki co to obsługa, a raczej podejscie do klienteli z najniższej półki i z takim czymś się jeszcze nie spotkałem. Mam nadzieje ze prędko sie jeszcze nie spotkam
póki co to obsługa, a raczej podejscie do klienteli z najniższej półki i z takim czymś się jeszcze nie spotkałem. Mam nadzieje ze prędko sie jeszcze nie spotkam
To co pisze to jest tylko i wylacznie literacka fikcja, nie ma jakiegokolwiek powiazania z rzeczywistoscia.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Zakaz dotyczy wszystkich sklepów z DM... zarówno tych istniejących jak i nie.angrybuyer pisze: ↑3 lata temuDoes this rule also apply to the names of out-of-date darknet stores, which in principle was this seller before?
ZABRONIONE pisanie o: metodach, czasie i kraju wysyłki czy płatności; szczegółach pakowania, nazwach sklepów spoza forum lub innych forach.
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NIE porównuj sklepów w działach partnerskich. Nie pytaj tam o produkty, których sklepy nie oferują. Są od tego inne działy!
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Jak pisać opinie? | How to write reviews?
Zakaz promocji i pisania o marketach z deep webu. | Prohibition of promotion and writing about deep web stores.
Orientacyjna liczba dni lotu/oczekiwania - dozwolona. Daty/dni tygodnia - zabronione!
NIE porównuj sklepów w działach partnerskich. Nie pytaj tam o produkty, których sklepy nie oferują. Są od tego inne działy!
NIE piszemy treści w stylu ktoś coś pomoże czy sprzeda, forum to nie ogłoszenia!
NIE linkuj obrazków! Każdy wrzucany obrazek musi zostać osadzony w odpowiednich tagach lub jako załącznik.
Poradnik dodawania zdjęć | How to add photos?
Rangi na forum | Ranks on forum
Awans na pełnoprawnego użytkownika | Promotion to a full-fledged user
Jak pisać opinie? | How to write reviews?
Zakaz promocji i pisania o marketach z deep webu. | Prohibition of promotion and writing about deep web stores.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Zamówiłem ze strony dziwnie szybko przyszło, a jakość jest dobra, żeby nie powiedzieć idealna
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Ten post ma wysoką reputację.
This post has been written by a new member who registered here 4 days ago.
Extremely reliable opinion!
This post has been written by a new member who registered here 4 days ago.
Extremely reliable opinion!
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
[SCAM] Spache*s.n*t - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Ten post ma wysoką reputację.
Poproszę o jakieś foto
Długo czekałeś na przesyłkę? Podaj orientacyjną liczbę dni.
Co zamówiłeś?
Ostatnio edytowany przez chemiczny 3 lata temu, łącznie edytowano 1 razy.