METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
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METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
W tym temacie piszemy opinie i recenzje o METONITAZENE ze sklepu | In this topic, we write opinions and reviews about METONITAZENE from
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
-- Appearance -- It looks like a brown powder
-- Oral dosage -- Tested up to 150 ug (0.15 mg) with no noticeable effects.
-- Insufflated dose -- Tested up to 250 ug (0.25 mg) divided into multiple lines, without going on any type of heroin/opiate trip. I achieved this method of administration thanks to a laboratory balance and mixing the product with a cutting agent.
-- Vaporized Dose -- This method seems to offer the best experience. In the beginning I created a liquid for cigarettes with APPROXIMATELY 30 ug (0.03 mg) per puff (lung hit). But at 60 ug I found the mice enjoyed it the best.
-- Duration -- The primary effects are of short duration whether you insufflate or vaporize: within 30 minutes you are almost completely back to the baseline (a joint-style daze remains latent). Some mice retain the primary effects for up to 1 hour.
The secondary effects (if vaporized) are also felt for up to 24 hours: chill sensation.
The substance gives a sense of lightening of the head and thoughts. The heartbeat increases slightly. A sense of lightness and well-being is created. The body becomes heavier and the movements slow down, but it is not impossible to perform actions. To become one with the armchair, repeated vaporizations are required, at the end of which one can fall asleep blissfully and (at times) with a slight sense of nausea.
Very positive aspect: up to now I have not found tolerance or compulsive desire to repeat the sessions even days after having abused them.
The best method of intake, as I have already indicated, is vaporization; to best implement it I have designated an E-cig and an atomizer for this purpose:
-- 2 coils at 0.18 Ohm
-- Liquid 50/50 VG/PG
-- temperature between 190° and 210°
-- Max wattage 35w
-- 3mg of Metonitazene for each ml of liquid
-- Before consuming it mix the liquid thoroughly every 12 hours for 4 days
FUN FACT: The seller advertises this product as a variant of Protonitazene, but on his website he sells it as Metonitazene.....
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
czym to rzeczywiście jest? widze instrukcje do zrobienia liquidu do vapo, to jakiś stymulant?
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
our new batch of metonitazene cas 14680-51-4
- Załączniki
- 14680.jpg (4.98 MiB)
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
Are there any friends who are still interested in our protonitazene cas 119276-01-6 and metonitazene cas 14680-51-4?
After our factory sells the existing inventory, we will stop selling such products.
So in the near future, such products will stop supply.
interested friends,please contact me as soon as possible.
Email:[email protected]
Session ID:
After our factory sells the existing inventory, we will stop selling such products.
So in the near future, such products will stop supply.
interested friends,please contact me as soon as possible.
Email:[email protected]
Session ID:
- Załączniki
- opio.png (507.27 KiB)
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
Metonitazene to syntetyczny opioid, który należy do grupy azetidynonów. Jest to substancja psychoaktywna, która działa na receptory opioidowe w organizmie, podobnie jak inne opioidy, takie jak fentanyl, morfina czy heroiny. Metonitazene jest znane ze swojej wysokiej mocy, nawet większej niż tradycyjne opioidy.
METONITAZENE - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis
Niebezpieczne jak skurwysyn... tu już 1 μg za dużo wyślę Cię w podróż bez powrotu.
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