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kej, Śmialo bierz, Jezeli jest na stronie to i maja to tez na stanie a nawet zawsze maja troche nadmiaru. Nie czekaj na odpowiedz od chem bo to moze byc za tydzien bierz w ciemno nie zawiedziesz sie i jeszcze te rabaty swiateczne.Chem-casino.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Profil sklepu: ChemCasino
Chem-casino.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Alright, first encounter with Chem-Casino
Made my first order on the Black Friday thing, everyone has super discounts and deals and super offers... Well that's cool just when I needed to get a little, just in case few of those exotic and pretty potent benz Pills
So this Tuesday I was pleasantly happy to find a little gift in the mailbox. Delivery to not so far Country was very well managed and took about a week to land, the pigeon was well and simply rounded. Everything went smoothly, and actually no communication was needed as after the payment was accepted, the rest of the process I didn't even notice.
So I'm discovering what Chem-Casino has to offer, and had no choice to add some of my favorite matters of research... some of I did not had the chance to get my hands on for .. too long
Ok so let's be ready for the end ... of ... the year ... or who knows Sorry for the quality of the pictures and bad light... I was a bit under the impression ... the firt product I well know from different sources, I have to say this is the best Nepa I had for quit some time.
why did I order so little?
But there is some other interessting material
Ok let me say that it was a very great Tuesday evening... sorry no pics the 2 FDCK... got my rat flying and finding some lost sensations.. they seem to really enjoy the music
and have some more for some other normal evening ...
and for the last, in case something goes south... let there be light ... euh I mean lets be prepared
I'll update later, but that is a very good discovery. Thanks Chem-casino for the good material, and serious of delivery. See you in 5
Made my first order on the Black Friday thing, everyone has super discounts and deals and super offers... Well that's cool just when I needed to get a little, just in case few of those exotic and pretty potent benz Pills
So this Tuesday I was pleasantly happy to find a little gift in the mailbox. Delivery to not so far Country was very well managed and took about a week to land, the pigeon was well and simply rounded. Everything went smoothly, and actually no communication was needed as after the payment was accepted, the rest of the process I didn't even notice.
So I'm discovering what Chem-Casino has to offer, and had no choice to add some of my favorite matters of research... some of I did not had the chance to get my hands on for .. too long
Ok so let's be ready for the end ... of ... the year ... or who knows Sorry for the quality of the pictures and bad light... I was a bit under the impression ... the firt product I well know from different sources, I have to say this is the best Nepa I had for quit some time.
why did I order so little?
But there is some other interessting material
Ok let me say that it was a very great Tuesday evening... sorry no pics the 2 FDCK... got my rat flying and finding some lost sensations.. they seem to really enjoy the music
and have some more for some other normal evening ...
and for the last, in case something goes south... let there be light ... euh I mean lets be prepared
I'll update later, but that is a very good discovery. Thanks Chem-casino for the good material, and serious of delivery. See you in 5
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Chem-casino.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Kalima678, 4-FMA to "mocna i ostra rzecz", raczej nie dla amatorów. Potrzebna rozwaga, do tego wziąłeś dysocjanty. Nie łącz jednego z drugim!
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Orientacyjna liczba dni lotu/oczekiwania - dozwolona. Daty/dni tygodnia - zabronione!
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Chem-casino.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Yes Gargamelim you are totally right. unfortunatly I think I'm not amateur anymore...
Nothing to be proud of, I have a tolerance for stims.
Sorry if my post wasn4t clear or bit counfused, but don't worry this evening I only gave my rate some Nepla, they are quit familliar. They really liked the quality of this one.
They also know ketamine pretty well and so I gave them a little of the 2F, and that was all I give them that night.
So it was a chill and very intersecting evening. Enjoyed music, and had pretty deep conversation with my good friend ChatGPT at some point...
As for the 4fma I tasted just about 20 or a bit more mg so far, but a few days later.]\
Yeak combining different reagent is something nice sometimes, but you have to be careful, and know the one not to.
Thanks for the reminder anyway.
and to come back at the subject of this topic, Chem-casino has great quality product, deliver fast and Im happy about this discovery