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Koniecznie dajcie znać czy ten NEP na prawdę smaczny pomoże to wielu a wiem że jest was wiele co czeka na 1 opinie po powrocie na sklep
Shop Profile: blacksheeping
Latest post of the previous page:
Koniecznie dajcie znać czy ten NEP na prawdę smaczny pomoże to wielu a wiem że jest was wiele co czeka na 1 opinie po powrocie na sklepI have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields
I have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields
I have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields
I'm excited to say i received news of my first flock of sheep due to arrive tomorrow - I will leave a product-specific review in the relevant thread.signal2noise wrote: ↑3 weeks agoI have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields
Added in 4 minutes 2 seconds:I have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields
Added in 2 minutes 16 seconds:I have followed your lead and also placed an order (first one with the sheep-lord), to sample this material. May the start of Spring see delivery of healthy lambs in the fields![]()
Indeed - it's extremely wet, and sticky to the touch. It's seems to be hygroscopic as well. The only way this stuff is drying is It doesn't have a smell of any of the solvents you would expect to be used in final crystallisation. I reached out to the store as soon as i got it. I played around with a tiny amount, mainly to see how it reacts to heat. I also dried itMirabelka wrote: ↑6 days agosignal2noise, skontaktuj sie ze sklepem. wyslij mu zdjecie i spytaj co to jest. nie wyglada to jak NEP i nie jest podobne do zadnego z obecnych towarow sklepu. na twoim zdjeciu wyglada to na mokre. tak jest?
znajac podejscie obslugi do klientow, to szybko dostaniesz reship z wlasciwym towarem. powodzenia.
Over the years, NEP has probably been the most purchased RC for me, in volume of orders and quantity. I can say with certainty it is one of these possibilities:Dzesi Pinkman wrote: ↑4 days agosignal2noise, Tak to wyglada na mdphp, ale...tez jest mozliwosc ze nep byl jakis czas w czyms cieplym lub naswietlony promieniami slonecznymi i zmienial swoja strukture.
Wiele lat temu w taki kolor zmienail sie hexen jak go trzymalem wrzuconego w szuflade a akurat bylo przez pare dni w Polsce blisko 40 stopni w cieniu, wiec ta analogia przyponiala taka sytuacje.![]()
blacksheeping, To rowny gosc dogadacie sie.![]()