Which shop has the best NEP. I feel like many stores now the NEP does not feel as good as it used to when I first tried it about 3 years ago. I was in NL not too long ago staying with friends and I ordered a small amount of NEP from one shop to where I was staying in NL, and it was good! Just like I remembered trying years ago. However when I tried ordering more back to my home in France, the quality was not as good and I was very disappointed And its not like due to my tolerance, I didn't use any for the years before until recently when I have wanted to try it again.
Does anyone have a shop they can recommend that has NEP that has that euphoric burst like what I remember? Like I mentioned I'm in FR.
Which shop has the best NEP?
Which shop has the best NEP?
Testowałem nep'a od ChemCentrum i jest kozacki. Wiele osób go chwali. Tobie również polecam spróbowaćmophatter wrote: ↑1 year agoWhich shop has the best NEP. I feel like many stores now the NEP does not feel as good as it used to when I first tried it about 3 years ago. I was in NL not too long ago staying with friends and I ordered a small amount of NEP from one shop to where I was staying in NL, and it was good! Just like I remembered trying years ago. However when I tried ordering more back to my home in France, the quality was not as good and I was very disappointed And its not like due to my tolerance, I didn't use any for the years before until recently when I have wanted to try it again.
Does anyone have a shop they can recommend that has NEP that has that euphoric burst like what I remember? Like I mentioned I'm in FR.
Which shop has the best NEP?
Thank you I will try some for sure! Are there any items of ChemCentrrum that you would recommend that are also high quality?
Which shop has the best NEP?
Zależy jakie substancje lubisz. Jednakże wszystko mają najwyższej jakości
Which shop has the best NEP?
A ja tam zawsze lubiłem predowego nepa
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