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8 [ Wyświetl detale | ]
  • waryat ostatnia aktywność
  • leg*****m.o**
    Beware of this store. I was cheated at 120 €. This is probably looking at the page layout new version of the puppet.
    37 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 lata temu
  • Question for HEXEN experts!?
    I have known this reagent for a long time. I know the first versions of it from the store @predatorRC, and @Atomchemicals,.However, at the moment I think that only @Synthetics, is able to meet my expectations.
    0 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 lata temu
  • Store selection ?
    I read many reviews on the forum and I am looking for the only and right Vendor for permanent cooperation. For now, all my restrictive standards are met only by @Synthetics, . I have only experienced time, packaging and reliability.
    2 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 lata temu
  • https://r*t**r**o*.*o*
    They deceived me for 100 Euro. They assured me that everything was fine. Today, two and a half months have passed and nothing.
    69 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 lata temu
  • Aktualnie polecane euforyki i empatogeny
    @syluro, You can buy, you just need to know where to hit. I don't know what the value is PLN 150, but the cost of 1g of real 4MMC in the UK is ~ 35 £ / 40 £. It is really worth it, but only if you find a white seller. Blacks, Indians, and Pakistanis are scammers.
    614 Odpowiedzi
    Ostatni post 5 lata temu