Has anyone heard of this Vendor? It operates in the EU and sends to many countries. Do you have any information about him? Like I ordered from him over half a year ago, but now I found your forum and I am looking for reliable information.
Greetings from Luxembourg, Varyat
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I do not know if I understood the translator correctly, but my intention is by no means a salesperson's advertisement. I used his services a year ago and everything has always been at a high level. And that I found your forum and from what the translator prompts me, the statements of users are rather a reflection of reality. So I am very sorry that I was misunderstood.
Without waiting for your answers, I contacted the store. Everything seems old. Only two new reagents enriched the offer. I am willing to order for a minimum amount of 50 € because I know that the reagents store was at a high level. However, your opinion still holds me back.
In general, no translator says what is "wyjebka". Will anyone be so kind and kind and explain to me in my language what this word means?
Without waiting for your answers, I contacted the store. Everything seems old. Only two new reagents enriched the offer. I am willing to order for a minimum amount of 50 € because I know that the reagents store was at a high level. However, your opinion still holds me back.
In general, no translator says what is "wyjebka". Will anyone be so kind and kind and explain to me in my language what this word means?
Wiadomość moderatora
waryat, Sorry for the slow response, I haven't seen this topic earlier. So, first of all, I'm definitely not saying that it's a scam, but I just don't really know why would you order something from a mail vendor. They can always just stop talking to you, and that's a gg, you just got scammed! Imo it's just not really worth it. Also, the RC business is a place where you definitely shouldn't listen to your sentiments, just rationality and objectivity. I'd rather get on the Lizard Labs website, check their official retailers, ordering from them is basically guaranteed delivery of actual good stuff. And you can always try ordering from some of our partners. (I personally prefer the first option though)
Wyjebka = scam.
Wyjebka = scam.