Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
No. Another bad tip. Instead of guessing, I still recommend taking a lab test, because you’re far from the solution.
Profil sklepu: Rc-toyer
Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
No. Another bad tip. Instead of guessing, I still recommend taking a lab test, because you’re far from the solution.
Nie odpisuje już na twoje posty.angrybuyer pisze: ↑2 lata temuNo. Another bad tip. Instead of guessing, I still recommend taking a lab test, because you’re far from the solution.
Never, I encouraged anyone to buy.
If sellers don’t want to make the composition of the material public, I won’t either. I respect their decision!
I’ve closed the discussion with you before, but it’s not good to see you’re still writing bullshits.
Moze teraz to dziala stymulujaco zamiast na receptory opioidowe?
OkKunlunguoji pisze: ↑2 lata temuIf you have questions about the product, you can buy some samples, not only to test the effect, but also to get the laboratory test.
It’s only unknown until you have completed the laboratory test. It still only costs about 100 euros.
The information is available to everyone. There’re two solutions: look for information in a good place or do a GC/MS lab test.
Nie porównuj nawet obu sytuacji po dokończeniu syntezy z prekursora masz konkretną substancje i wiesz jak działa. Po zakupie BU nie wiesz co dostaniesz.Kunlunguoji pisze: ↑2 lata temuLike the 5cl precursor, adb precursor that we started to promote, no one wanted to try it at first, only a few trusted customers tried it, but now many people are looking for it. Because there is already good feedback in the market.
Raczej nie. Poza chyba jednym czy dwoma sklepami nie widziałem, żeby ktoś miał te produkty w ofercie.
To masz na stronie w ofercie produkt którego nie masz ? I to w dziale do którego nie należy ?
you can contact me, i will send you the catalog.
yes friend, add me online , or send email, i will reply you the catalog.