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The web site still not working...Anyone knows anything ???3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Profil sklepu: 3mmc4cmc
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
wie ktos co sie dzieje ze sklepem 3mmc4cmc.com strony nie znajduje i meila rowniez nie mozna wyslac ??
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
one more time, we normally working. All orders sent out. Website problem will solve after weekend
Some clients normally send us emails and we reply
Some clients can not send us emails ... we do not know why, probably due to problem on website.
Hope will have more info about solve this problem on Monday.
Have a nice day.
one more time, we normally working. All orders sent out. Website problem will solve after weekend
Some clients normally send us emails and we reply
Some clients can not send us emails ... we do not know why, probably due to problem on website.
Hope will have more info about solve this problem on Monday.
Have a nice day.
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Dobrze że się odezwali ale kontakt dalej mierny strona dalej leży oby wszystko wróciło szybko do normy...
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
kwaku878787, przecież napisali ze przez e-mail (zachowując bhp) a jak nie dojdzie wiadomość od ciebie to czekać aż naprawią...
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
a z jakiej poczty im wysylasz i na meila wysylasz order@3mmc4cmc...
Dodano po 14 minutach 32 sekundach:
na tego co zawsze wysylalem wyskakuje mi po sprawdzeniu ze meil nie istniej ....com
Dodano po 14 minutach 32 sekundach:
na tego co zawsze wysylalem wyskakuje mi po sprawdzeniu ze meil nie istniej ....com
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
kwaku878787, na ten sam, pisze z Proton ale prawdę mówiąc to ja wiem tyle samo co ty rakieta jak nie wystrzeliła tak nie wystrzeliła
3mmc4cmc.com - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Ten post ma wysoką reputację.
website still do not working - today webmaster got all details from us and working on solve it.
email - some clients writing us emails normally, other clients got info our email do not exist
1. Soon we will have info from webmaster if website ok. If ok, repair it and we normally continue
2. If will not possible repair website, we will give here some new email on which will able make order everybody as before and we will create new website.
Please no stress, we speaking about few days to find solution. Our warehouses are full, all orders are sent, we normally continue
After will have some new info, will write here.
Have a nice day.
website still do not working - today webmaster got all details from us and working on solve it.
email - some clients writing us emails normally, other clients got info our email do not exist
1. Soon we will have info from webmaster if website ok. If ok, repair it and we normally continue
2. If will not possible repair website, we will give here some new email on which will able make order everybody as before and we will create new website.
Please no stress, we speaking about few days to find solution. Our warehouses are full, all orders are sent, we normally continue
After will have some new info, will write here.
Have a nice day.