4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: yamahaboy » 1 rok temu

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DarkStar pisze:
1 rok temu
yamahaboy, Robisz bardzo fajne recenzje .Zdjęcia, Superman i Monolit 4-MMC Lux są MEGA :D :thumbup: :D


:D :D :D


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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Speeder_96 » 1 rok temu

DarkStar pisze:
1 rok temu
yamahaboy, Robisz bardzo fajne recenzje .Zdjęcia, Superman i Monolit 4-MMC Lux są MEGA :D :thumbup: :D
co prawda to prawda sie chlopak postaral a sam produkt i mi przypadl do gustu

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Crane99 » 1 rok temu

Koledzy, tak czytam Wasze opinie/relację i mam mętlik w głowie, doradzcie mi proszę... Potrzebuję czegoś, co w połączeniu z alkoholem będzie trzymać mnie na nogach, nie będzie mi się chciało spać, będzie chciało mi się gadać, libidopójdzie w górę i będzie dyskretne - towarzyszka wieczoru nie zauważy, że było spożywane coś oprócz alkoholu. 3cmc doskonale spełniało to zadanie, ale zapalenie zatok następnego dnia sprawiło, że zacząłem się zastanawiać nad 4mmc, które ponoć nie ma chloru, więc i zatoki może dostaną mniejszy wpierdol :D
Ale z tego co piszecie wnioskuję, że 4mmc jest bardziej do odpoczynku na kanapie z browarkiem i do spanka, a do wieczoru przy wódeczce z dziewczyną (która nie wie że coś było brane) lepiej zostać przy 3cmc?

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: yamahaboy » 1 rok temu



Tablet created with the substance
4-MMC LUX ANALOG from ChemCentrum



SUBJECT: Empathic mouse who loves this kind of substance.

STATE OF THE SUBJECT: Breakfast 2 hours before.
Experiment carried out 72 hours after a 600mg binge of the same substance (see previous review).

Taking the tablet (150mg of active ingredient) at 12:50.

+30 min (at 13.20) slight tension and increased heart rate around 90/100bpm

+40 min (at 13:30) is also taking action on the head. Waves of loving warmth pervade the moment. It seems to be on the doorstep of a good MDMA-like high.
Being in the sun is very pleasant (27°) and the mouse decides to listen to ambient music on a sun bed.

+60 min (at 13:50) the effect has decreased a lot and the heart rate is still cheerful. Hopefully in a next wave. If he doesn't arrive in 30 minutes, maybe I'll give the mouse twice as much as he originally took.
WARNING: This practice is not recommended until you are really sure that the high is wearing off and that your rats are not on the low end of the incoming wave.

Knowing that he has stomach problems (acidity and difficult digestion) he takes a teaspoon of bicarbonate to help himself a little.
TIP: when taking substances orally, drink plenty of water to keep them as little as possible in the first digestive tract.
The stomach tends to break them down, while the intestine absorbs them.
Many people do liquid drug enemas to get almost all of the substance inserted.

+90 min (at 14:20) The empathetic mouse shows no signs of getting high and, a little disappointed, decides not to take any more orally, but intranasally.

Below I leave an ideogram of the heartbeat of the experience:


Surely the 600mg intranasal binge of 3 days before discharged a lot of the serotonin needed to fully enjoy the test, but 50-60 minutes remain a bit short. Maybe starting with a double milligram would have given a better experience, but you can't improvise like this with new chemical research substances.

The initial high (with a "low" amount of 150mg) from beautiful waves of heat and feelings of love in a bouquet of "high emotions" a little wider than insufflation, but you have to take into account your hormone levels, otherwise it lasts little.
Probably a "nice way" to spend time with this substance would be to put 500mg in a bottle of water and sip it in 2 hours.
WARNING: This is absolutely not an instigation..
But if someone had their lab animal do it, I ask the courtesy of tagging me to read his impressions..!


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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: DarkStar » 1 rok temu

yamahaboy, Kolejna świetna i mega pomysłowa recenzja tej niezwykłej substancji jaką
jest 4-MMC Lux. :D :D :D

Zastanawia mnie jednak ilość spalonych kalorii na godzinę oraz częstotliwość
bicia serca :shock:

To dla mnie zaskoczenie, że tyle się spaliło i tak szybko serce biło od samego
tylko zażycia Luxa.I to jeszcze w tak niewielkiej dawce.

U mnie trzeba na 4-MMC 10Km biegać by tyle kalorii przepalić i serducho rozkręcić
do niewiele ponad 160bpm.Przy ultra szybkim marszu dotrę do 137bpm i to max.
Ultra szybki marsz to dla mnie około 8.3km/h-8.5km/h przez kilkadziesiąt minut.

Półmaraton na prochach to u mnie około 1700kalorii więc zaskoczyły mnie Twoje wyniki :shock:

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: yamahaboy » 1 rok temu

DarkStar pisze:
1 rok temu
yamahaboy, Kolejna świetna i mega pomysłowa recenzja tej niezwykłej substancji jaką
jest 4-MMC Lux.
Thank you so much for the nice words..

Luckily I have more accessories to measure my heart rate and to understand if any of them are not working well. The peaks you see (top and bottom) are not to be considered. For my age, weight, height, (at rest) 70 Bpm is normal. Then, during the tests, I didn't stand still, and who succeeds in those situations..! :-]]
However, the calories that are indicated are not to be considered.


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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: CipekDupek » 1 rok temu

Chciałbym spytać o dawkowanie. Jestem powiedzmy średnio-doświadczony / doświadczony I jestem po 10 miesięcznej przerwie od czegokolwiek.
200mg oral będzie git? mniej ? więcej? Pamiętam że 300mg ich 3MMC czy 2MMC były spoko, natomiast tutaj tak zachwalacie jakby to na prawde był jakiś killer... :thumbup: :E

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: CiBy » 1 rok temu

CipekDupek pisze:
1 rok temu
Chciałbym spytać o dawkowanie. Jestem powiedzmy średnio-doświadczony / doświadczony I jestem po 10 miesięcznej przerwie od czegokolwiek.
200mg oral będzie git? mniej ? więcej? Pamiętam że 300mg ich 3MMC czy 2MMC były spoko, natomiast tutaj tak zachwalacie jakby to na prawde był jakiś killer... :thumbup: :E
Sorry that Im answering in English but Im Czech so cant speak polish but hope it will help. Im pretty experienced user. Also had like one year clean of any stims. I was very into 3-mmc when it was still legal. Never had 4-mmc but always wanted to try. So when I found about this 4mmc analog lux from chemcentrum and everybody seems to like it I ordered 5g. And holy fuck! It's not so good like good 3-mmc but still very impressive with the most intense rush I ever got from snorting drugs. Its like MDMA/5-MAPB/Cocaine mixed together. Then its good relaxed buzz. And I can't tell for oral doses. But 200mg of Lux will take your shoes off. Start with 100mg at most. You van Always take more but not less. Be Safe.

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: CipekDupek » 1 rok temu

Hey bro, thanks for the answer. U kinda scared me though :lol:
If u say its not as good as 3mmc then why would I take less than 3mmc? o_0 Im Confused...
Also oral dosage has to be higher than snorting. What was your dose may I ask?
I really don't like underdosing my first dose as it is meant to be a magical first hit. This is why we take 1 year break, to get this right. I am afraid 100mg would be a big underdose.
Especially when there was a post of another dude that took 200mg oral and then 150 snort when he was peaking on oral dose and he was alright. That leads me to think that I would be fine with just 200 oral.
Anyway thanks for your reply, and yeah im still wondering what was your dosage :E

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: CzarnyFuriat » 1 rok temu

CiBy pisze:
1 rok temu
CipekDupek pisze:
1 rok temu
Chciałbym spytać o dawkowanie. Jestem powiedzmy średnio-doświadczony / doświadczony I jestem po 10 miesięcznej przerwie od czegokolwiek.
200mg oral będzie git? mniej ? więcej? Pamiętam że 300mg ich 3MMC czy 2MMC były spoko, natomiast tutaj tak zachwalacie jakby to na prawde był jakiś killer... :thumbup: :E
Sorry that Im answering in English but Im Czech so cant speak polish but hope it will help. Im pretty experienced user. Also had like one year clean of any stims. I was very into 3-mmc when it was still legal. Never had 4-mmc but always wanted to try. So when I found about this 4mmc analog lux from chemcentrum and everybody seems to like it I ordered 5g. And holy fuck! It's not so good like good 3-mmc but still very impressive with the most intense rush I ever got from snorting drugs. Its like MDMA/5-MAPB/Cocaine mixed together. Then its good relaxed buzz. And I can't tell for oral doses. But 200mg of Lux will take your shoes off. Start with 100mg at most. You van Always take more but not less. Be Safe.
Totally disagree. In my opinion 4-mmc lux is much better than any 3-mmc and i tested a lot even in legal times. But If i would need to compare it to something I would compare it to 3-mmc it works like 3-mmc no nose burning and no other side effects too but with greater euphory peek and gentle stim in background.

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Krzysiekk7 » 1 rok temu

Piszą że libido jest ale czy maszt staje ?

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: MglaKurva » 1 rok temu

Must try soon

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: CzarnaMewa » 1 rok temu

Krzysiekk7 pisze:
1 rok temu
Piszą że libido jest ale czy maszt staje ?
Libido w górę po tym odczynniku, u mnie nie było żadnego problemu z postawieniem masztu :smoke:

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: yamahaboy » 1 rok temu

1 (3).jpg
1 (3).jpg (392.09 KiB)

4-MMC LUX ANALOG Vape From ChemCentrum


Seeing how much our empath-mouse friend liked this substance (see Link1 and Link2 reviews) I decide to make him happy again by offering it to him again in the form of E-Liquid.

I insert 300mg of crystals, finely chopped, into a bottle with 1ml of liquid and shake. The powder will not dissolve immediately in the liquid (you will need to wait a few days, shaking occasionally).
I thus obtain a juicy liquid, slightly cloudy as the magic dust was not able to dissolve completely.

TIP: I create the liquids that will be vaped with drugs with a glycol/glycerin ratio of 50/50, as it makes no sense to create gigantic clouds, in fact, the opposite is advisable: with a dense vapor, the pulmonary alveoli, they will become saturated immediately and you will not be able to absorb all the substance contained in that shot.

Each aspiration (with full lungs) should introduce approximately 6mg of 4-MMC LUX into the animal.

The empathic Mouse begins the test at 3 am, after having spent a whole day tasting other drugs, so he is not in his best psycho-physical condition.



The lab animal begins listening to zen music as he inhales his first few puffs.
Despite having low hormone levels (especially the serotonic ones) he still manages to enjoy that delicious and high vapor: the substance makes its debut gently, clouds the mind, creates a loving aura and his entire fur is permeated with well-being.
It's a calm, "Molly style" high and he'd like to test it again after a week off.
The only drawback is that it doesn't last long; the obstacle could also be due to the day just passed..

The eyes are heavy, thanks also to the music and the time (now 5 in the morning).
As soon as she stops to think of something relaxing his head takes SCAM towards blissful lands.
Lying down with his eyes closed listening to 528Hz tracks with the speaker resting on his stomach seems to be a pleasure for him.

After 2 hours from the start of the test, if he keeps his eyes open, they begin to show signs of stress with nystagmus (it must also be said that the empathic Mouse had breakfast 19 hours before and then did not touch any more food ..)
ATTENTION: nystagmus is a clear sign of psycho-physical tiredness that should not be underestimated; it makes the mind travel on a thin razor blade and could lead to a sudden loss of consciousness.

4-cmc LUX - SVAPO.jpg
4-cmc LUX - SVAPO.jpg (363.47 KiB)


I would have liked to create an eliquid that donate almost double the high of the previous test (10mg of LUX for each lung hit), but it was not possible as the substance, despite being finely triturated, saturated the liquid and part of it was not released (not even after 10 days of shaking daily).
I also tried adding 1ml of pure alcohol (which I would later evaporate), but that didn't help the process.

Disappointed by the failure, I pour all the liquid into a small cup, I evaporate the alcohol, I wait for the micro crystals to settle, I aspirate the liquid part with a syringe and I let the mouse taste the result.
TIP: there is no need to take super deep inhales, but it is important to keep the steam inside the body as much as possible.
2nd TIP: if, during exhalation, you see steam coming out, that is the substance that has not come into contact with the pulmonary alveoli and is therefore wasted.

Fondino.jpg (59.2 KiB)
I therefore estimate that, for each lung aspirate, our laboratory animal (the Empath Mouse) takes in approximately 7/8 mg of LUX.

After 1 and a half hours dedicated to the practice of vaping comfortably lying on a bedsun, the mouse confirms the sensations felt during the previous test: peace, relaxation, fur blissfully caressed by a soft hand.
The problem of duration remains: given the light dosage of each aspirate (which is not intended to be a starting point), the Empath-Mouse needs continuous stimulation.



This substance has high recreational potential. She is delightful and kind. It's a shame that in this mode, it doesn't fully open its bouquet of sensations, as during the oral test.
However, it seems that you can still enjoy it while consuming quite a bit less.
Compared to the other modes, the pupils do not become 2 black balls like those of a scared cat. Good, right?
gatto.jpg (31.66 KiB)

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Hegie » 1 rok temu

Jak LUX sprawdza się na wieczór zabawy z kobietą? Może ktoś porównać takie spotkanie z dobrym 3mmc? Czy LUX sprawdzi się lepiej?

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4-MMC LUX ANALOG Chemcentrum.nl - opinie, recenzje, działanie, opis

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Proximo » 1 rok temu

Moim zdaniem LUX jest lepszy do baraszków. Więcej speeda ma od 3mmc. Nie jest się tak rozlanym. Więcej siły do działania z panią. Nie muli tak mocno jak trójka. Jest lepszy dużo lepszy. Tylko nie przeginaj z ilością bo ciężko dojść potem.