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Sam Vapuje i potwierdzam te słowa, od kiedy pierwszy raz wziąłem vapo to prawie nigdy nie sniffuje ;p Vapo to straszny kozak a jak jeszcze sort jest dobry to w ogóle jest kosmos

Profil sklepu: Katy
Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
Sam Vapuje i potwierdzam te słowa, od kiedy pierwszy raz wziąłem vapo to prawie nigdy nie sniffuje ;p Vapo to straszny kozak a jak jeszcze sort jest dobry to w ogóle jest kosmos
please share your method for doing this... whilst i generally prefer not to interfere with nature (:eh: ) if it combats the ridiculous smell generated when you vape the stuff i would be tempted to try this out...
Hi there, I suspect you will have trial and error’d this already, but yes, you can treat as wax/concentrate using vape devices and have excellent results, I much prefer this to dissolving in ejuice
Not sure, low as possible I guess... I'll give you a recommendation... Mr Bald ceramic disc atomizer, check Amazon, enjoy
100% agreesignal2noise pisze: ↑1 rok temuThere are many reports of people who dissolve the material in nicotine free e juice, it definitely can be done.
Search and you will find a lot of information available.
I have tried this way, but prefer no liquid being involved, so opt for either a wax vape pen or an old fashioned "oil burner".