Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Substancje o działaniu głównie stymulującym jak: HEX-EN, 4MPD, alfa-PVP MDPHP, APHP, APVP, APIHP, PV-8, pentedron.
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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: luki985 » 2 lata temu

Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:

yeter, nom. Dopamina i noradrenalina się kumulują. Tylko dawkowanie jest dużo niższe niż przy nacpaniu sie

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: yeter » 2 lata temu

luki985 pisze:
2 lata temu
yeter, nom. Dopamina i noradrenalina się kumulują. Tylko dawkowanie jest dużo niższe niż przy nacpaniu sie
Z tego co mi wiadomo 4cmc to typowy euforyk z małą ilością speeda

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: luki985 » 2 lata temu

yeter pisze:
2 lata temu
tego co mi wiadomo 4cmc to typowy euforyk
No patrz a ja na tym przerobiłem kilka zmian w pracy.
Na szczęście dopiero teraz się o tym dowiedziałem 😅

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: pyrex » 2 lata temu

Does anyone have any information about some of the new rc's being sold, namely KU, AU and BU? I cannot find out what their chemical names are or which receptors they work on? Would also like to know if anyone knows about or has tried a-pep??

I was a big fan of MDPV, a-PVP etc. a-PiHP seems the best at the moment (and hexen) for me.

Any other good recommendations for vapable cathinones please.... :D

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: LubieKredki » 2 lata temu

pyrex pisze:
2 lata temu
KU, AU and BU
these are just random substances I guess.
pyrex pisze:
2 lata temu
Would also like to know if anyone knows about or has tried a-pep??
I didnt try it myself but I heard that its another garbage substance, nothing similar to apvp aphp etc

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: pyrex » 2 lata temu

LubieKredki pisze:
2 lata temu
pyrex pisze:
2 lata temu
KU, AU and BU
these are just random substances I guess.
pyrex pisze:
2 lata temu
Would also like to know if anyone knows about or has tried a-pep??
I didnt try it myself but I heard that its another garbage substance, nothing similar to apvp aphp etc
Thanks for the reply, but there is no such thing as as a random chemical, all chemicals have a structure and are named normally named as suck ie a-pvp = alpha-pyrolidinopentiophenone or 3-fpm = 3-flouro-phenmetrizine ..... these aren't the full chemical names (that include the numbers) but KU, AU, and BU must have an underlying phenethlamine backbone....are they branches of amphetamines? cathinones? phenmetrizines? psychedelics? Not a single vendor of these products has given its chemical name which i find very very strange.

Thank for the information about a-pep. I will not look at it again. pv8 was bad enough! thanks.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: LubieKredki » 2 lata temu

pyrex, by random i mean there isnt any specific substance that refeers to KU. In fact they can sell whatever they want and call it KU. Its just theory but it might be true

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: luki985 » 2 lata temu

LubieKredki pisze:
2 lata temu
didnt try it myself but I heard that its another garbage substance, nothing similar to apvp aphp etc
Coooo ? 😅 Alpha pep to pv8. Pv8 powder for linden. Pv8 cristal from 2014-15 was beautiful.
Alpha tuned itself by extending the carbon network
Appp + 1 carbon for apbp + 1 carbon for pvp and further PHP etc.

In action, it was not a hiding place but a kick.

BU / KU / ECU is a marketing gimmick. Probably another stimulant that has a low dosage and strong effect. Not knowing the pattern and name, we don't know how it works. What is the uptime, etc.

Don't buy.
There are amphetamines on the market (2-fma, 2 fa and subcons), cathinones (NEP, HEX-en), and phenmetrazine (3-fpm, 3cpm). You do not need to buy a random substance that the Chinese will throw into the bag..

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Nieprzeczytany post autor: LubieKredki » 2 lata temu

luki985, masz rację pomyliło mi się z chińskim wynalazkiem a-pip widniejącym u jedno z naszych V.

pyrex, sorry for the mistake. A-pep is quite nice. Worth trying if its good batch as luki985, mentioned.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: pyrex » 2 lata temu

luki985 pisze:
2 lata temu
LubieKredki pisze:
2 lata temu
didnt try it myself but I heard that its another garbage substance, nothing similar to apvp aphp etc
Coooo ? 😅 Alpha pep to pv8. Pv8 powder for linden. Pv8 cristal from 2014-15 was beautiful.
Alpha tuned itself by extending the carbon network
Appp + 1 carbon for apbp + 1 carbon for pvp and further PHP etc.

In action, it was not a hiding place but a kick.

BU / KU / ECU is a marketing gimmick. Probably another stimulant that has a low dosage and strong effect. Not knowing the pattern and name, we don't know how it works. What is the uptime, etc.

Don't buy.
There are amphetamines on the market (2-fma, 2 fa and subcons), cathinones (NEP, HEX-en), and phenmetrazine (3-fpm, 3cpm). You do not need to buy a random substance that the Chinese will throw into the bag..
Thankyou for the reply, are you saying that a-pep is a good strong pyro worth trying? If so, do you know if it vapes well? NEP i find ok, but not for me as much fun as HEX, I do love 3-fpm too..... but to my country I can only get hex from one vendor, and 3pm from another vendor at high price (i used to do 1.5g a day of 3-fpm when it was only 5eur a gram back in 2014 lol. ) . I am correct in thinking 3-cmc is not vapable right? I haven't had a chloro sub that vapes......what is duration of 3-cmc insufflated/sniffed ?

Thanks you for your input. I wonder if we will ever find out what the mystery 2 letter chems are. :)

Dodano po 3 minutach 27 sekundach:
LubieKredki pisze:
2 lata temu
pyrex, by random i mean there isnt any specific substance that refeers to KU. In fact they can sell whatever they want and call it KU. Its just theory but it might be true
Yes they could be selling A-PVP as KU so it goes under the radar!!! If it is a code name for something like this I WANT to buy MANY!! LOL.

Maybe one day someone will test them


B-K Zwierz
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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: YourNightmare » 2 lata temu

Z polecanych stymulatow to nep snow i Stone, oraz snthcaine colombia od ChemCentrum, jakość to bajka, aha i królowa alfa pihp to po prostu elegancja Francja.
Zwycięzcy nigdy się nie poddają. Ci, którzy się poddają, nigdy nie zwyciężają.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Morrison » 2 lata temu

Test alfy jeszcze przede mną, więc dowiem się niedługo jak z nią jest, ale oba Nepy i SC to faktycznie wyjatkowo silne stymulanty. Potrafią dać niezłego dopaminowego kopa w dupę, że człowiek poprostu musi wziąć się za coś bo energia go rozerwie inaczej!

Radzę uważać na dawki i podchodzić z rozwagą oraz pokorą do ww. substancji.
Nic o nas bez nas.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: LadyEM » 2 lata temu

Polecam fake coco od Katy. Jest po prostu świetne!

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: wickrxxxxxxx » 2 lata temu

I want to recommend KU,it is definitely a Heart Racer for sure ----that is one thing I really like about it. It does not take much to get a feeling if you bump it as well. So good advise take it small , Effects in about 20 to 30 minutes and you will know it for sure.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: luki985 » 2 lata temu

wickrxxxxxxx pisze:
2 lata temu
want to recommend KU,it is
Który KU ? Bo każdy vendor może mieć inny 😅 nici każdy sort może być czymś innym.

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Aktualnie polecane stymulanty

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Nooghdra » 2 lata temu

Ja polecam z calego serca APIHP od Katy!