Analog A-PVP
Analog A-PVP
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Wszystko Co Tu Pisze - To Moja Fantazja Science Fiction 

Analog A-PVP
To były takie igielki i po oczach nic nie było widać dodam, ale moc to mocne mała dawka sniff i piekło trochę
Dzięki Vers
A analog pentedron od Darka?
Co tam mogło być?

Dzięki Vers
A analog pentedron od Darka?

Co tam mogło być?
Wszystko Co Tu Pisze - To Moja Fantazja Science Fiction 

Analog A-PVP
Ale parę h trzymało to może i co innego 
Dodano po 36 minutach 11 sekundach:
Chyba że naprawdę dobre mpd
bo czasami takie były z 3 lata temu mi się trafiło

Dodano po 36 minutach 11 sekundach:
Chyba że naprawdę dobre mpd

Wszystko Co Tu Pisze - To Moja Fantazja Science Fiction 

Analog A-PVP
I have a small 2g bag of 4cl-pvp from Predator I just want to say that this stuff is highly recommended to buy here because of its price and enough potent to be really satisfied.
My regrets goes to the form, What I have received is not the same Big Glass Crystals from the predator shop pics...
For those who have already tested this stuff, what was your favorite route of administration?
Somebody said that it was not pretty much when it was smoke/vaporised, I can say that it false in my opinion...
I use a crack pipe or a foil.
And what is yours ?
My regrets goes to the form, What I have received is not the same Big Glass Crystals from the predator shop pics...
For those who have already tested this stuff, what was your favorite route of administration?
Somebody said that it was not pretty much when it was smoke/vaporised, I can say that it false in my opinion...
I use a crack pipe or a foil.
And what is yours ?
Analog A-PVP
Unfortunately, I will not help you because I never had any reagents on the tests
4c pvp It's a good reagent, I used to test it from another store.
Unfortunately, I will not help you because I never had any reagents on the tests
4c pvp It's a good reagent, I used to test it from another store.
Wszystko Co Tu Pisze - To Moja Fantazja Science Fiction 

Analog A-PVP
I have just found 2 shop selling a-pvp and crystal meth. They don't not look like as if they were scammers.
How can i put the right decision.
I want also try Meth
How can i put the right decision.
I want also try Meth
- Załączniki
- CRYSTAL-METH.png (15.06 KiB)
Analog A-PVP
Mazer, they dont look like scammers? Lol
A-PVP, maybe true, but I dont believe in Meth, but you never know, so if to you they dont look like scammers, order and write a review

A-PVP, maybe true, but I dont believe in Meth, but you never know, so if to you they dont look like scammers, order and write a review

Psychodela, psychodeliczny styl!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!
Analog A-PVP
If they're selling meth and a-pvp in surface web... Then I guess they are scammers.
Analog A-PVP
jedyny legit zamieninik apvp to aphp (kosmos np) XD
mozna mixowac 3 rozne rzeczy zeby efekt byl podobny, ale ni chuj sie do niego nieda niczym innym zblizyc, wiele mixow pochlanialem, nic nie jest blizsze apvp od aphp
mozna mixowac 3 rozne rzeczy zeby efekt byl podobny, ale ni chuj sie do niego nieda niczym innym zblizyc, wiele mixow pochlanialem, nic nie jest blizsze apvp od aphp
~Liseu Wonchacz
Analog A-PVP
Ten analog A-pvp od człowieka z pasją co był to chyba hex w iglach był, bo dawki 40 mg dawały niezłego spida i chęć działania

Wszystko Co Tu Pisze - To Moja Fantazja Science Fiction 

Analog A-PVP
jesli hex szedl jako analog alfy to ja pierdole, chyba zeby ego podbic i szpanowac na dzielni
~Liseu Wonchacz