China bans synthetic cannabinoids

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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Gandalf » 3 lata temu

dziangasijus, może to i lepiej? Kanna to totalny syf, tak jak opioidy, kodeina, hexen i kleferein
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Wściekły wąż
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Posty: 1855
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Smith » 3 lata temu

dziangasijus, jest popyt, jest podaż. Nic z rynku nie znika. Pewnie niedługo produkcja będzie przeniesiona do eu, bo ludzie są w kanna wjebani do tego stopnia, że zrobią doslownie wszystko by je dostać. Chociaż chiny od teraz już praktycznie nie mają czego produkować na rynek światowy jeśli chodzi o RC.
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: dziangasijus » 3 lata temu

Noids are evil for some, business for others :D
I agree, if there is demand there will be supply.

I think new molacular names will be made and new substances not classified as synthetic noids.
Who can tell me more how it works in china when some chemicals are banned?

Wściekły wąż
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Smith » 3 lata temu

dziangasijus, according to the text they are trying to ban cannabinoids, so all substances that are available at the moment and all the analogs that could by synthesized in the future,. As long as u have cannabinoid ure breaking the law. We have similar situation with all RC in Poland. In China it works perfectly simply because if police will find more than 50g of any illegal (at least almost all of them) substance in ur house for example and they prove that it belongs to u, ull be in most cases sentenced to death. Not many people want to die, and no one wants it that way.
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Posty: 695
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: angrybuyer » 3 lata temu

China will also close all doors. :x

What do you know about manufacturing in India? I heard from someone that several labs moved there during the last CN ban. :eh:

dziangasijus, Smith, I think it’s almost impossible to transfer production to the European Union. :(
If they succeed, it’ll definitely significantly increase the price of the RC products.
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Wściekły wąż
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Smith » 3 lata temu

angrybuyer, i think that its only matter of time and there will be ban also in India.

Problem with sinthetic cannabinoids is because they are cheap. Very cheap u can literally make 100g spice out of 1g canna, and this 1g is the same prize or nearly the same as for example cathiones. Many dealers are selling it regulary as weed. It causes serious addictions if someone can make good spice, but if dealer doesnt have such knowledge he can kill someone as well.

The point is that maybe if they move manufacturing to EU and prices will get higher, it wont be that profitable and dissapear from the Street at least some of it.
Through sin and self destruction I stumble home, never alone

Posty: 695
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: angrybuyer » 3 lata temu

Smith pisze:
3 lata temu
de ha a kereskedő nem rendelkezik ilyen ismeretekkel, megölhet valakit is.
I agree that cannabinoids are dangerous compounds in incompetent hands… :|

There’re cannabinoids that’re legal as well as potent also. These’re usually compounds with complex structures, such as Cumyl-Ch-MeGaClone or Cumyl-Cb-MeGaClone, which has recently been banned in my country. These compounds weren’t sold in POWDER form, only the finished product was available.

Poisonings and overdoses could probably be prevented if the consumer and the trader could buy only herbal incense products from the laboratory… It’s smaller business, I know but the prison is an unpleasant place. :)
Since April 2020, nobody haven’t been able to synthesize legal synthetic cannabinoids in my country ( :!: ), the last one being CBM. :o

Since then, herbal incenses has been treated with dissociative compounds such as e.g. O-PCE (n-ethyl-deschloroketamine), but has been banned since September 2020. :crazy:

This doesn’t meet the needs of cannabinoid users, which promotes the distribution of cannabinoids on the black market. :think:
Smith pisze:
3 lata temu
Indiában is tiltás lesz.
I was reminded of Spain. There used to be a big European distributor who shipped from there. What's up there now?
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. 8-)

Wściekły wąż
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Posty: 1855
Rejestracja: 5 lata temu
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Smith » 3 lata temu

angrybuyer, cannabinoids were main reason why polish goverment banned nearly all RCs. Our local vendors were selling strong shit that put u in hospital after Little hit from the pipe. They also started to make spice not with canna but opioids, the best way to make regular costumers :E

As long as people wi be selling it as weed, the more problems it brings. It may ends up like mephedrone, which is illegal all around the world. The difference is that drone is only one substance, its so much easier to ban it.

Most labs are situated in NL, but because of bans that will probably Come after 2022 many vendors are moving.part thir business to Spain. From what i know a few Vendors and at least one lab sent stuff from that place. So it maybe future RC mecca.
Through sin and self destruction I stumble home, never alone

Zaklinacz węży
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: NieZwyczajnie » 3 lata temu

Gandalf pisze:
3 lata temu
tak jak opioidy, kodeina, hexen i kleferein
Kodeina jest opioidem ;)

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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: kabaleros » 3 lata temu

angrybuyer pisze:
3 lata temu
China will also close all doors. :x

What do you know about manufacturing in India? I heard from someone that several labs moved there during the last CN ban. :eh:
Indians are incompetent. Expect improperly done synthesis and literal feces contaminaition. Not even joking.
Smith pisze:
3 lata temu
dziangasijus, jest popyt, jest podaż. Nic z rynku nie znika.
Chcialbym, zeby tak bylo, ale to nie do konca prawda. Musi jessczs byc spelnionych kilka czynnikow. Przykladowo: musi byc wystarczajaca oplacalnosc - oplacalnosc ale zbyt niska blokuje podaż, brak mozliwosci wytwarzania (zbyt skomplikowana synteza) blokuje podaz, skutecznosc sluzb blokuje podaz, brak polproduktow blokuje podaz.

To nie jest tak, ze masz kase, pstrykniesz palcami, to ktos ci zapewni sprzet, zeby ją wziąć.

Posty: 695
Rejestracja: 5 lata temu
Reputacja: 117

China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: angrybuyer » 3 lata temu

kabaleros pisze:
3 lata temu
Az indiánok képtelenek.
Do you have specific experience in Indian manufacturing?

I don't think there's any cause for concern. Production will be solved one way or another. Rising prices and ineffective new compounds can be expected. Remember the Chinese bans of previous years: from cannabinoids (AZ-037) and e.g. stimulants (HEP, MDPEP etc.) were also produced shit quality products.
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. 8-)

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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: kabaleros » 3 lata temu

angrybuyer pisze:
3 lata temu
kabaleros pisze:
3 lata temu
Az indiánok képtelenek.
Do you have specific experience in Indian manufacturing?
No. Im speaking in general. India is known as worse quality manufacturer than China in almost every aspect.
Things that may hinder RC productions are:
-lower quality education and less high educated people as a percentage of population (manufacturers must know advanced chemistry)
-lack of proper equipment, those labsvneeds greatly exceed basic equipment
-sorry to say it so blatantly but lower IQ people, which also plays huge role
-lack of availability of precursors/half products

Also think about it: India is a lot poorer than China, their laws are a lot less strict (people dont risk their lives being manufacturers), also indian police is way less accurate than chinese in detecting.

YET still eveything is done in China, even tho all odds are on side of Indians.
Indiands dont want to get out of poverty? Im sure they do, and they would if they could.

Therefore most probable reason is: they are unable to manufacture because of various reasons.
I would bet on technical reasons I mentioned above.

Posty: 695
Rejestracja: 5 lata temu
Reputacja: 117

China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: angrybuyer » 3 lata temu

kabaleros pisze:
3 lata temu
prekurzorok / féltermékek elérhetőségének hiánya
Well, yes. :roll:

It’ll be difficult to replace Chinese expertise and experience, as most of the production of precursors also takes place there.

I look forward to the developments. :geek:
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. 8-)

Wściekły wąż
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Posty: 1855
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China bans synthetic cannabinoids

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Smith » 3 lata temu

kabaleros, dopóki istnieje państwo (1 swiata) gdzie dana substancja będzie legalna jak również istnieje spore grono osob, ktora jej używa, to ktos sie zdecyduje na produkcję.

Kanabinoidy powoduja potworne uzaleznienie ze skrętem przy odstawieniu. Stad jest baza stałych klientów, którzy nie tyle, że chcą, ale tego potrzebuja. Zapłacą więcej jesli bedzie trzeba.

Sytuacja się zmienia kiedy następuje ban na całym świecie. Wtedy substancja moze nawet zniknąć z rynku, choć zazwyczaj pozostaje na nim, lecz w bardzo ograniczonej dostępności. Przykład to mef, gdzie jego synteza wymaga więcej nakładu finansowego i pracy niz w przypadku wiekszosci ulicznych zabawek, a sporo ludzi i tak nie odróżni mefa od 3cmc, więc produkowany jest rzadko, a zatem trudno dostępny.
Through sin and self destruction I stumble home, never alone