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how is the EU have you have you tired it yet?
Profil sklepu: Novachem
Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
how is the EU have you have you tired it yet?
Duzo osob pisze, ze podobne do nepa tylko ile w tym prawdy?
Skoro duzu osob tak pisze to pewnie tak wlasnie jest. Sam bym sie chetnie przekonal
Hey guys,
Thanks bro for that quick reviewangrybuyer pisze: ↑2 lata temuI can confirm you. “ECU” and “BU” compounds have very similar effects to NEP but with stronger and longer effects. “ECU” is more popular because “BU” can cause headaches.
Ok i teraz wszystko jasne dziekiangrybuyer pisze: ↑2 lata temuHey guys,
I can confirm you. “ECU” and “BU” compounds have very similar effects to NEP but with stronger and longer effects.“ECU” is more popular because “BU” can cause headaches.
Don't exaggerate, my friend, for example me and many others, we know what compound "ECU" or "BU" contains.
yes friend,of course.