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Tomorow send parcell ?ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Profil sklepu: predatorRC
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
predatorRC, Everything works just fine !
But in the end it doesn't even matter!
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Ten post ma wysoką reputację.
I received via my fiction life the chance to put my hands on a fiction-movie alike secret enveloppe. After securing in a imaginary fictional way its contents and duping my authoritative entity that it weren't drugs (ptepared flour in a bague, put it in the first bague afap and secured the inner bang containing these fictional popaïne analogues. It is sourced from the depts of the predator's tresor cave and is considered foolsgold.
H.P. quotation: "If you know, you may Never ask. If you ask, you may Never know." - Rovena Ravenclaw.
(Source-wise. But I heard about a dopek dot info site where the second vendor is also a Predator)
HEXEN "new" batch, incredibly clean effect, I'd recommend.
HEXEN crystal batch, beautiful cristalline powder/rock, stings a bit when IVd but doesn't collapse the vein, this is the cleanest high I've experienced until now with EU sources Hexen.
HEXEN "new" batch, no smell at all, but stings a bit.
HEXEN white powder, quite fluffy, nice subtil high.
Alpha-PHP crystal Powder, very numbing, doesn't have a rush like IVspeed but fills the head with euphoria especially when external stimi is positive. Also an ultra confidence on this. (Met a girl in the Woods and it almost got physical)
Valium 5Mg pellets
Received A-PHP and some Hexen samples as a gift.
Arrived in * days via *** from **** without it having to pass the bouane.
H.P. quotation: "If you know, you may Never ask. If you ask, you may Never know." - Rovena Ravenclaw.
(Source-wise. But I heard about a dopek dot info site where the second vendor is also a Predator)
HEXEN "new" batch, incredibly clean effect, I'd recommend.
HEXEN crystal batch, beautiful cristalline powder/rock, stings a bit when IVd but doesn't collapse the vein, this is the cleanest high I've experienced until now with EU sources Hexen.
HEXEN "new" batch, no smell at all, but stings a bit.
HEXEN white powder, quite fluffy, nice subtil high.
Alpha-PHP crystal Powder, very numbing, doesn't have a rush like IVspeed but fills the head with euphoria especially when external stimi is positive. Also an ultra confidence on this. (Met a girl in the Woods and it almost got physical)
Valium 5Mg pellets
Received A-PHP and some Hexen samples as a gift.
Arrived in * days via *** from **** without it having to pass the bouane.
Wiadomość moderatora
We do not provide the name of the shipping company, we do not provide the sending country, we do not provide such detailed data.
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Predator RC why not send ?
Dodano po 41 sekundach:
We wheit dude....
Dodano po 41 sekundach:
We wheit dude....
Cash Money Brothers
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
i see the hexen and i eat my hat xaxaxa i made an order but you have this problem and iam waiting i love hexen
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Hi Boss,
PredatorRC, Do you have planify to go on holiday this summer ?
I would not like be be on "shortage" !!!
Thank you for all you DO !
PredatorRC, Do you have planify to go on holiday this summer ?
I would not like be be on "shortage" !!!
Thank you for all you DO !
- Załączniki
- 20200723_031922.jpg (157.15 KiB)
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
We hope This week is our week let this holiday is finish fastà,PredatorRC never lie me,I hope this week rocket is go to cosmos.
We ONE and ONLY.
Pozdrawi !
We ONE and ONLY.
Pozdrawi !
Cash Money Brothers
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
To this time team mate is ON.
When is send my Rocket partner ?
When is send my Rocket partner ?
Cash Money Brothers
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Hello any news for us !
Cash Money Brothers
- Status:
- Legendarny kosiarz ścieżek
- Autor tematu
- Posty: 2951
- Rejestracja: 7 lata temu
- Reputacja: 2034
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Gaffy, great pictures, but next time please take photo only of stuff ( no bugs and stickers )
So maybe you can cut them off, otherwise they gone
dont know how moderators agree this josiek
So maybe you can cut them off, otherwise they gone
dont know how moderators agree this josiek
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
predatorRC, U have me! i didnt noticed it! oh my god!
changing it right now!
Dodano po 20 minutach 5 sekundach:
predatorRC, it is done!
changing it right now!
Dodano po 20 minutach 5 sekundach:
predatorRC, it is done!
Wszystkie testy substancji prowadzone są poza granicami RP! Moje posty to fikcja, sny i nie mają nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością. Uważaj zanim przyjmiesz coś nielegalnego! Zastanów się 3 razy! Narkotyki i RC to zło!
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Only,reagent pic. price,labels,ticket.is not tolerate
predatorRC is #1
predatorRC is #1
Cash Money Brothers
ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions
Send on1/2 part of or my Rocket,this si honestly dude ,and put in cordinate of your galaxy,you know what is mean ok ?
We hope today looking for our order and send a half pls.
We hope today looking for our order and send a half pls.
Cash Money Brothers