ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Profil sklepu: predatorRC

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Papameo7 » 4 lata temu

Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:

Yesssss :smoke: I think you are right.
Wow yeah exactly,
This off-white flour batch matches pretty well to DCK when conducting my research.

I got a mislabeled Chem from them too actually. I ordered 2 chems from them and they both came marked as Des chloroketamine. They we too totally different products by appearance and totally different lab results.

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: happydog » 4 lata temu

Is anyone else experiencing delays? Not with predator but perhaps the transit. Mine hasn’t updated in over a week, hoping it’s just Christmas / covid backlog.

Another issue though predatorRC, that I have been disappointed with (in an otherwise good overall experience) is failure to reship or answer any communications on a missing order. You said you’d reship months ago and then ignored several follow up emails.

I’ve been a long term and loyal customer and I’d hope this is something that we can reach a satisfactory outcome on.

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Dissozitativ » 4 lata temu

I'm not able to open the onion link too, am i doing something wrong (not my first time dark net) or is the link outdated?

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: j4ck » 4 lata temu

Predator is always trustworthy. Its my 6th order in 2 Years. It arrived today Everything is fine for me and prices are more than good compared to other shops and always a free sample <3

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: jaybombz » 4 lata temu

predatorRC I am sure you are busy, I sent you a few emails to grab a tracking number off ya, just for piece of mind but also just want to be sure no delays on courier end or w.e.

Thanks bud

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Prophallo » 4 lata temu

I made 16 order in period of 14 months, never had a problem, or if I had a small one, predator every time solved it in the next order.
They are, in my opinion, the best shop of this type on the net and is (in my opinion) for this reason that they are any time under hacker attack, blacked out etc.
The One and Only!
Merry Christmas to ALL FROM ITALY!

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: brotherhood » 4 lata temu


I ordered 2 weeks ago and have not received any payment information from you to this day, what's going on?

greetings from Germany

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Prophallo » 4 lata temu

Have you contact predator's staff before Christmas on Tutanota mail?
Predator shop had experienced any online issues with site, better contact it on mail.
I made an order the ****, one parcell arrived and the other isvon the way (damn courier, two times don't find me at home, I'm waiting the reopening of the depot to get my parcell).

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do not write the exact date of dispatch / pickup / arrival at the pickup point.
You can give an indicative number of days, but not the exact days of the week, and the date.

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: brotherhood » 4 lata temu

Prophallo pisze:
4 lata temu
Haben Sie die Mitarbeiter des Raubtiers vor Weihnachten per Tutanota-Mail kontaktiert?
Der Predator-Shop hatte Online-Probleme mit der Website. Kontaktieren Sie ihn besser per E-Mail.
Ich habe eine Bestellung aufgegeben, eine Parzelle ist angekommen und die andere ist übrigens (verdammter Kurier, zweimal finde ich mich nicht zu Hause, ich warte auf die Wiedereröffnung des Depots, um meine Parzelle zu bekommen).

Yes, I have also sent email to you, but so far I have not received a response.

I wanted to make a colorful one over the holidays but it looks like it won't happen!

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: hoden » 4 lata temu

brotherhood pisze:
4 lata temu

Yes, I have also sent email to you, but so far I have not received a response.

I wanted to make a colorful one over the holidays but it looks like it won't happen!
me too... after ordering on the page and don't get any ordermail, i also wrote a mail and don't get an answer. i think its cause of christmas holiday.
maybe predator could briefly report what the current status is.

good slip and stay good;)

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Canon » 4 lata temu

Why doesnt the shop answer? I have been waiting for one week now. I think this shop is not really trustworthy. They dont send confirmations or answer any question.

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: e+rossmann » 4 lata temu

Canon pisze:
4 lata temu
Why doesnt the shop answer? I have been waiting for one week now. I think this shop is not really trustworthy. They dont send confirmations or answer any question.
They are, already did plenty of business with them, but they arent replying to my mails for over a month. Supposedly they sometimes just vanish, and now it seems like they did it again. Just gotta wait and see when they start replying. Hopefully nothing bad happened to them.

As for the "payment confirmation" and "answers", they send out tracking and tell you when they recieved and confirmed the money on their account. The email responses are more erratic. Sometimes they do, sometimes I need to message them a couple times before they respond.

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: hoden » 4 lata temu

i got mail today. as expected, our friends were still in a holiday frenzy. it is granted to them;)

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: happydog » 4 lata temu

I was begging to worry they had pulled a fast one as I had two packages go missing do ordered a third with details of missing product and told it wold be shipped next day (before Christmas), it never happened and communication stopped.

However today my order updated to shipping department although no tracking yet. I’m hopeful all will be resolved and I’ll be satisfied with my order, I’ll confirm once I’ve physically received all products I’ve paid for.

But as some have pointed out, predatorRC, need a Christmas break just like the rest of us and this is a very busy time of year for them.fingers crossed and stay patient people. Communication may not be the best but they must get hundreds of emails.


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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Canon » 4 lata temu

Hey! The problem is, I didnt even get a confirmation email about my order. I transferred the coins and nothing comes back. predatorRC, Can you please check?

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What should I do? I have already written 5 emails and nothing comes back. No confirmation in my email and also nothing in my trash-folder. On the website is just written Nowe (złożono) which means new.

I think my coins are gone...

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ONLY ENGLISH Predator-rc - Questions, reviews, opinions

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Gandalf » 4 lata temu

Canon, This kind of spam causes problems in the e-mail inbox.
Write one email and wait a few days, up to a week - Predator is the largest store i know ...
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