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Zet, zrób zdj i pisz na maila. Jak się dogadasz to wyślę Ci jeszcze raz.Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Profil sklepu: predatorRC
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Zastanawiam się co jest w tym worku, bo na stronie sklepu 5-DBFPV wygląda zupełnie inaczej. Może tylko pomylili naklejki? Z drugiej strony akurat zaraz po moim zamówieniu skończyło się 6-APB więc możliwe że dla mnie zabrakło.
Wie ktoś jak wyglądał ostatni sort 6-APB? Jest podobny do tego za zdjęcia w poprzednim moim poście?
Wie ktoś jak wyglądał ostatni sort 6-APB? Jest podobny do tego za zdjęcia w poprzednim moim poście?
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
moj apb sprzed miesiaca wyglada dosc podobnie, moze jednak tylko naklejki pomylili?
Dodano po 1 minucie 23 sekundach:
jasniejszy sie wydaje od lampy blyskowej xd ale w rzeczywistosci przypomina tego procha co w twoim zipie jest
taki brazowo-bezowy
Dodano po 1 minucie 23 sekundach:
jasniejszy sie wydaje od lampy blyskowej xd ale w rzeczywistosci przypomina tego procha co w twoim zipie jest
taki brazowo-bezowy
Boże, chroń mych ludzi jak głos
Rozsądku nad ranem
Rozsądku nad ranem
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Zet, nie znam sie na 5-dbfpv ale ze zdjec wyglada jakby bylo biale/jasne.
Mozesz zarzucic ze 20-30mg na testa, 6apb nie powinno byc w ogole aktywne w takiej ilosci.
Mozesz zarzucic ze 20-30mg na testa, 6apb nie powinno byc w ogole aktywne w takiej ilosci.
Psychodela, psychodeliczny styl!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Dostaliśmy maila i spróbujemy się wyjaśnić co tu poszło nie tak
Ale to dopiero po weekendzie

Ale to dopiero po weekendzie

Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
predatorRC, hi and sorry for speaking in english....
Do you know if you get new substances in stock next week? Because if not, im making my order tommorow/monday
Thank you if you can help....
To say a few words about my last 3-4 shipments:
Ordered with every shipment a full bag of 4f-mph one time combined with 3mmc and a small amount 1p-lsd pills, another shipment was 4f-mph+eti powder.
Substances show very good results, 4f-mph was always a killer potent rc. This made me extremely happy because its a great replacement for pv heads. 1p-lsd pills have been total magic of course
3mmc pills are not tested yet because i dont really need them, they just looked nice for my collection 
Only one product had not the best quality and thats nep yellowstone, but i dont really care because it was just a little bit under 10 gram test buy and it has a very low price.
If its this cheap, i dont bitch around like a dry pussy.
The e-mail support always worked fine everytime i needed some information or other help.
I never had to wait longer than 2 days after contacting via mail, thats totally fine because im speaking english.
This is just not the sort of seller like some random stupid street gee playing around, trying to make money by selling a few grams to 3 dudes every day, so its just normal you need to wait a day until you get support.
Shipping was never a problem and arrived usually after 3- max. 5 days if there was a weekend, thats also not bad at all because im from germany.
I need to say, another fact why its always shipped without problems is because i simply never buy stuff for this price range but try to save 5 bucks shipping cost, its really not a big drama to take the good shipping method.
Most negative reviews from german people if they loose money with rc-shops and wonder why is because they choose the cheapest shipping method.
I think buying things like drugs this way is just a stupid move.....
To say it without 1000 words:
Great shop, fair price and if you know what you are doing you have no problems.
Yeah, having a little more stimulants in stock or other benzos would be a great thing, but this problem comes from the producers, not predator.
If there would be a ton of bombing substances, they wouldnt make cash by waiting around to get it in stock.
4f-mph (the smallest shipment should be good enough, but the bigger orders came 100% safe too)
3mmc tabs
1p-lsd tabs
Nep yellowshit
Still good if you want to make some selfmade fancy looking jewellery
But like i said every other product came with the expected good quality and its no problem to make bigger investments safe.
In ~1,5 weeks max. i can write another review about the other substances i want to order tomorrow or monday.
Stay safe!
(i hope i dont break any forum rules, im very sorry if yes, sometimes my translate programm is bad and some things are hard to read or understand)
Do you know if you get new substances in stock next week? Because if not, im making my order tommorow/monday
Thank you if you can help....
To say a few words about my last 3-4 shipments:
Ordered with every shipment a full bag of 4f-mph one time combined with 3mmc and a small amount 1p-lsd pills, another shipment was 4f-mph+eti powder.
Substances show very good results, 4f-mph was always a killer potent rc. This made me extremely happy because its a great replacement for pv heads. 1p-lsd pills have been total magic of course

Only one product had not the best quality and thats nep yellowstone, but i dont really care because it was just a little bit under 10 gram test buy and it has a very low price.
If its this cheap, i dont bitch around like a dry pussy.

The e-mail support always worked fine everytime i needed some information or other help.
I never had to wait longer than 2 days after contacting via mail, thats totally fine because im speaking english.
This is just not the sort of seller like some random stupid street gee playing around, trying to make money by selling a few grams to 3 dudes every day, so its just normal you need to wait a day until you get support.
Shipping was never a problem and arrived usually after 3- max. 5 days if there was a weekend, thats also not bad at all because im from germany.
I need to say, another fact why its always shipped without problems is because i simply never buy stuff for this price range but try to save 5 bucks shipping cost, its really not a big drama to take the good shipping method.
Most negative reviews from german people if they loose money with rc-shops and wonder why is because they choose the cheapest shipping method.
I think buying things like drugs this way is just a stupid move.....

To say it without 1000 words:
Great shop, fair price and if you know what you are doing you have no problems.
Yeah, having a little more stimulants in stock or other benzos would be a great thing, but this problem comes from the producers, not predator.
If there would be a ton of bombing substances, they wouldnt make cash by waiting around to get it in stock.
4f-mph (the smallest shipment should be good enough, but the bigger orders came 100% safe too)
3mmc tabs
1p-lsd tabs
Nep yellowshit

Still good if you want to make some selfmade fancy looking jewellery

But like i said every other product came with the expected good quality and its no problem to make bigger investments safe.
In ~1,5 weeks max. i can write another review about the other substances i want to order tomorrow or monday.
Stay safe!

(i hope i dont break any forum rules, im very sorry if yes, sometimes my translate programm is bad and some things are hard to read or understand)
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Wich one is best?
Wich one is best?

Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Nepik wjezdza od poniedziałku ?

Wszystkie demony i diabły są tutaj więc pomyśl jak puste musi być piekło.
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Może trochę poźniej, ale już bliżej, niż dalej

Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Hokuspokus, miejmy nadzieje ze wkoncu bedzie na sklepie;]

(To co pisze to czysta fikcja i nie mają nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością to sny...!)
- Status:
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
Ten post ma wysoką reputację.
Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie
predatorRC, my parcel not move from 7 days , i write to you 2 email whit order number and tracking , pleas answer