Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Koks » 4 lata temu

Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:

Poleciał meil.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Cinek1206 » 4 lata temu

Siema siema
Co teraz u preda dobrego jest na libido chęć na sex ??
Dodam że 3i4 cmc nie działa
Pozdro ;)

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: predatorRC » 4 lata temu

Cinek1206 pisze:
4 lata temu
Siema siema
Co teraz u preda dobrego jest na libido chęć na sex ??
Dodam że 3i4 cmc nie działa
Pozdro ;)
Dziki seks jest po 1cP-LSD 150mcg pellets :angel: tak jakby Tarzan dorwał Jane :E


Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Anonim70 » 4 lata temu

Cinek1206 pisze:
4 lata temu
Siema siema
Co teraz u preda dobrego jest na libido chęć na sex ??
Dodam że 3i4 cmc nie działa
Pozdro ;)
u mnie najlepiej sprawdza się 3mmc w końskich dawkach :) dodam ,że musi być jakiś bodziec a potem to już leci lepiej niż w pornosach na brazzers :thumbup: :E :E

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Cinek1206 » 4 lata temu

Sprawdzimy niebawem
Dzięki za info

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Krecikcmc » 4 lata temu

Dlaczego strona predzia nie dziala?

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: krzychu1998 » 4 lata temu

Kiedy ta stronka będzie działać bo się doczekać nie mogę :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Yurgenos » 4 lata temu

predatorRC pisze:
4 lata temu
Co teraz u preda dobrego jest na libido chęć na sex ??
hmmm...może druga osoba ? XD albo a-pihp... A najlepiej to i to
"Uwielbiam zapach płonących czarownic o poranku."


Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Anonim70 » 4 lata temu

Krecikcmc pisze:
4 lata temu
Dlaczego strona predzia nie dziala?

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Mirjik » 4 lata temu

" Tomorrow never die " I'm send mail,we wheit too.....This time everything is ok ! :thumbup:
:D :thumbup: Cash Money Brothers
CMB :smoke: :clap:

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: porkchop423 » 4 lata temu

i wanted to share a glowing review here about my recently received order from the predator team.
Their prices are unbeatable and their quality is so so so good as well. People in the past or carelessly knocked them on the quality or consistency of some of what they offered. sometimes but as someone with a few orders on my belt i can sincerely say that product quality has never been an issue with any of the supplies i've researched and this last order really demonstrated just how dependable they are even as their inventory has grown and quality is honestly some of the best to be had. All researchers should still be diligent in taking in all the info that can be found anecdotally and scientifically. Along with considering reports of drastically varying research results that may be based on so many variables; different batches based on different synthesis procedures, how long a batch has been stored. Also; who performs the tests, how tests are ran, how often, plus personal biases (mental and physiologically) and simply there's always personal preferences that may be influential if mostly inconsequential.

I was only able to stock up on just a few of the research materials since the return of overseas shipping. I was ecstatic the team took on the task even if it creates a bit more problems and headaches. Especially as so many vendors are strictly halting ***** (i personally don't mind since i thought their procedures around ****** lacked transparency/seemed scammy....never a love letter yet only received 2/6 order over 3 years? and couldnt even make spain work while **** is 100% success rate for me personally) AND an avid researcher of cathinones/stimulants I was incredibly happy, thankful and just stunned by the new stock being offered and especially impressed byt the quality of "new hexen batch". And the apihp produced similarly successful results. When i first started really researching, hexen was in high rotation even domesticaly. Over the years though, we've seen such a fall of availabilty as well as quality but this batch felt almost nostalgic in ways; its like the great batches before in having all the desired outcomes yet comes off easy with it's reaction to vaporization, producing a certain specific smell that doesn't over power yet makes its presence lol. and doesn't linger too long unlike that good good apihp which sometimes when research has gone on a bit too long, those lingering scents can facilitate unwanted side effects.
hexehn new batch - 15/10
apihp- 10/10

couldn't be happier to see pred stocking dck and it quality rivals whats being sold anywhere else for much less and the predator wonderfully allows for smaller amounts to test run at the lab before going back for more of course. i know it available widely but for certain researchers the geographical location can be quite the roadblock. personally, this summer 0/4 ** packs ever made the distance. (Yet 2 **, 2 **, 6 ** **** landed) so it's exciting to see these new products and feeling as if it could act as a one stop shop.

And i'd recommend to definitely try what's newly offered. DCK researched perfectly. sadly, i've only had access to one batch prior to getting this one but looks, texture, smell, and various tests clearly show the authenticity and quality of product.
oddly enough their clam pellets are the best the lab has ever tested. and i'm ecstatic that fluni is in stock. when my supplier disappeared it seemed best to leave it alone but it's one of those chemicals that somehow doesnt get the attention and research it deserves. it's better than clam and won't ruin/keep you from your work and definitely better than etiz. if your lab is in search of a material that has an amazing ratio of what the benzo class has to offer. fluni is not too little, not too much, but others might have their own stories to tell. when using fluni the lab always stayed in decent condition but clam, flualp, flubromazolam could mess things up for sure

3mmc- 10/10
2fma 9/10- slight gritty consistency not seen around elsewhere but the research results put it up there with the white flour, kind clumpy variety. i would be interested to see test results just to see what else might be going on with the substance; desired effects but when loooking closely theres almost two different colors present. same with the 4fma until it was crush and formed a more homogenous color
still to research- 4fma, 4homet, 4cmc, 3cmc,
hi hopes for all and high hope for the store. can't thank the predator team enough for such excellent customer service, great shipping, fast communication, and great quality product.

15/10 overall. fully recommend. with those new additions to stock, next order is imminent :)

thank you thank you thank you

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: PabloEscobare » 4 lata temu

Predziu mordko odezwij się do mnie. Mam problem z zamówieniem. Opłaciłem w sobotę bitcoinami (mam potwierdzenie) wszystko dobrze wpisałem przy przelewie a zamówienie na twojej stronie dalej nieopłacone. Piszę do ciebie ale mile nie są dostarczone chyba. Mordeczko wiem że to pewnie wina systemu bo pracujemy razem od bardzo dawna, na stronie sklepu jestem VIP dlatego proszę o jakiś kontakt mordeczko. Pozdrawiam

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: PabloEscobare » 4 lata temu

Predi daj adres mail do kontaktu bo pisze od soboty i dalej nie odpisujesz a mam potężny problem.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Boss » 4 lata temu

Miał ktoś kontakt?
(To co pisze to czysta fikcja i nie mają nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością to sny...!)

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: PabloEscobare » 4 lata temu

Dziękuję Predziu. Moja sytuacja wyjaśniona. Strona była w moderacji i siadła. Już wszystko jest ok jak zawsze z resztą. Pozdrawiam ciepło Prediego.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Kenio3 » 4 lata temu

Zdążyłem złożyć zamówienie na tym, opłacić i znów nie działa :evil: