Hello folks!
As I promised, I’m sharing the “4fm” something’s feedbacks too. I do it here because I didn’t find section for “4fm”.
Guys.. It’s ridicolous. Another disappointment: I bet that this stuff is just a placebo. Believe my clients, it hasn’t psychoactive effects with high dose (snorting is unpleasant, vaping is impossible) orally (300 mg in a capsule) and nothing. Nothing… Is that plaster from the wall dear
Rc-toyer, ??? Just like your “new pvp”.
Next step: both stuff/something has been sent to a lab to check what are you selling exactly. I’ll share the official lab report as soon as it done.
Shame on you
Rc-toyer, and please explain what have you sent us for much dollars. I’d appreciate it because you didn’t respond to my message regarding the new pvp.
Friendly warning for all Dopek user:
this is outrageous. Be careful guys and before place an order read my full report about the other “something” under “new pvp” fancy name in the other section.