2022: Benzo rc darkest days?

A group of drugs with anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, muscle-relaxing and amnestic effects.
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2022: Benzo rc darkest days?

Unread post by ThaumielBxii » 3 years ago

Just tilo say, yes I, goin to sleep nowand 10 minutes ago i get my benzo for hope soon get a good rest. The regular benzo are buy with med prescription even if my med just don't give a fuck after 25 years and sometimes 3 times a week I was here to ask for a prescription of a anti psychotic med that sure another meds told e that addding 10 drops of thos one to any bezo will like can get 2x2.5 mg Roofies (Conmetcial name is Talofen).
This night I choose:
1x 1mg Flualpraz
2x 0,25 Flubromazolam
2x 3 mg Gidazepam
3x 75 mg Pregabalin
1x 2 mg ClonazePam (Rivortril)
1x 1mg Etizolam (Pasaden)
1x 0,25 Triazolam
1x 1 ml get out with a syringe from the drop glass dispenser of Minias
2 ml of a self made PG solution of Norflurazepam (ratio 2 mg/ml)
And only miss 'cause think was enough so to bring 1 ml of Diazepam (5 mg/ml)

Some old Fubromazolam pg soution or Clonaz
always self pg mixed , and wow...maybe a box of old n good Phenazepam 2,5 mg pellets from valenta Pharma, and can't, at this point also bring back Flutazolam and Rimafazolone and believe in me, just choosing 2 of them, with a pretty high but neither as high as you thing dosage and well, you can be sure that you will this combo over all the shit above.

Bans of ost of the best hypnotic benzo rc, a part of less shops snd One is our Mr predator onlt underdised stuff or very cheap shitty quality powders.
I will have tons of yet and guys even if it will last sone months before a ban on those news wo cares? a list of 40 new possible yet ready and tested new benzo rv firulas, you keep the best that we have now, add 3-4 of those 40. Ban coming: we just "lost" 3 out 40, and new so replacements forbthe banned, starting with little furniture, if we wabt yet ready to be put on sale a week aafter the ban.
But for what understand there are left really few few few buyers and really deep intrested in benzo rc considering and get annevaluatiom about thr "quaity" starting frommm, axiolitic, musclennreaxant, seep aids till hypnoiducet proprieties that would be more suited for big mammals narcotizing ver pharma...lol...i can't catch why, insted more and more people if the get into benzo rc at the forst place and sometimess the only thimgs that for them could be suggested ad acclsimed as "one of the best on sale benze rc" is their EUPHORIC effect abd intensity. Sure dude you knowvtha from the first pharna benzoa that pharna stsrt to sell the sometimes and only forbsime benzos seconday effect was the max slight euphoria thst in particular will be mild slerimrnted meanwhile the plasnarix cincebtration in oir body start to rise up was reported snd theb also git on a scientific trial that cinfirj this unusual limired sensation as I said that people could sperikebted with 3 out the 10 or more benzos yet on sale st this time.
Euphoria in variuos kind of and intensity please ger informed in which rc "families", and are sure 3, but since the others 'categories' are really something I even get seldom a look just to got a panoramic idea sbd may remember1 every 3 rc coupounds I fond about genericslly to wich oldschool class of drug os going on scentific new formulas.
Ah and I know pretty well hystory and chenistry of Ampheramine, but I mean the unique as kind of stims efffevt snd theiir power to really be sytheyoc powerfull molecues thst at micro dosage yet start to activate ad also get in power to how go on since the fulll worjing statatis of our NCS and neurotrasmitters network am he create this LEGEND descovering, desclosing and analitically but get in the kiddle is genious an old archive yet cosed abd arjetd ascrossbone roads half century vbefore by 2 let me said not so gebetically born to br the smarter chemistru researchers ifor the pharmaceutical enviornet. Just see Gordon correcting abd adding sometings to this xrossbone molecule what he got. And see the coincidenge,Polish dudes here that mig '90s used to enjoy as much as they can their week, knows so well and can tell you what is true bonedry odirless, with some shiny in it"s pure white amphetamine sulfate. Not soeed paste, ori soeed base, ordrird andacetibr washed paste. They"re something rse rather than old Polish bone dri odoreless white and someway shine Amph Sulf (or the ratest but not really hard to find in Polakd during sane yeat Phosospate salt)
Ok my benzo not really therapy and fherspeutics rightnlw semms to ti rise abd will go on. Bye dudes