Cinolazepam - is really so hard to find?

A group of drugs with anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, muscle-relaxing and amnestic effects.
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Cinolazepam - is really so hard to find?

Unread post by ThaumielBxii » 3 years ago

I'm not really a benzo rc/benzo psychonaut.
Moreover with my actual legal med prescription I can get in a bliss diazepam, triazolam, pregabalin 75 mg. And this since more than 20 years, so you understand that i develop a certain tolerance that now leads me to get always a legal but friendly med legal prescription for the stuff I yet mentioned plus: clonazepam, lormetazepam, etizolam (yes, after 20 years here, strangely is yet again a legal pharma that you can get with prescription) and the killer entumin.
I switch every week wit a different mix of those benzos try to keep dosages as low as I can and the evening, because I ONLY take this narcotic SCAM like therapy before go to sleep I add 3 or 5 drops of entumin and believe in me....they are faaaaaaar more than enough. This stuff is so strong that even 5 drops without benzo mixed can lead also myself to a sorta of slight but noticeable in particular from who knows and deal with you because it ends up to a remarkable slow and not so clear/meaningful way of speech and get ou walk a bit like if you're a bit drunken.
Anyway years ago, I also got the lucky to try almost all japanese benzos once, I got always years ago tons of a very well know hq flubromazolam powder, clonazolam pwd, diclazepan pwd that then ends up in self done micrograms/ml perfectionist alike mixed.
But there is one benzo that for what can I see can be buy locally or east europe with a prescription that is cinolazepam and his most famous branded "Gerodo*m".
I know that of course and is so right so I can't ask if someone could tell me if there is a way and where buy it but instead I would like to ask if someone of you ever try this benzo, and only the response "Yes" or "no" about the fact that in eu somewhere you can still got this one from "alternative pharma sources".

Thank you and really believe in me, med needs or just addiction in this field are the same and imo are something to put definitely on the dark side of your life. So I have nothing to say to who can "experience" here and there, or also to who like me needs this because of life threatening serious health issue (if for myself I have to admit that I also fall 100% in abuse that I slight manage to be now a bit more sorta self controlled but I can't absolutely not keep tie just the med prescription), you're responsible and know if you lie always first to yourself but to all the dudes that never try this stuff I dare to say that in those years also hybrid or natural "joined" tons of mary jane or "shish" kinds of, with different cbd and thc percentage, sativa or indica or mixed (and no is my will to not speak about rc cannabin) brief: you are looking for a "vacation" or an here and there relaxing trip around? May is far more better if you left out benzo fof any kinds from your list and get a look to the nature and induced hybridation miracles around ;)

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Cinolazepam - is really so hard to find?

Unread post by illuminati » 3 years ago

Pierwsze slysze o takim benzo :D