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Ale bym szurnął teraz takie fake coco Smacznie wygląda, ostatnio miałem ogromną przerwę w RC ale właśnie wróciłem do gry i szukam czegoś fajnego na melanżyk Z tego co czytam, to to fake coco się do tego idealnie nada Byłem na stronie i widzę, że można zamówić tylko 3g co jest ogromnym plusemFake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Shop Profile: Katy
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
I've order this item and arrived today, this is my take on it.
First of all the powder is just beautiful, it resembles real cocaine, even has the same light shine. It does not smell like a synthetic chemical too, it does not have that pyrro-like industrial smell if you know what i mean.
It has some kind of numbing agent because i've put in my mouth and my tongue was numb. I really like when fake cocains try to mimic these secondary proprieties of the drug.
By insuff it is very smooth, you almost dont feel it go as you snort, thats very impressive.
Now about the effects:
Whatever this drug dose-combination is, it is damn strong! With as little as 50mg you do feel the effects quite nicely, because of that, you end up doing lines the size of real cocaine lines.
The most prominent effect is a hint of euphoria that is very short-lived and a spike in your energy levels, this includes body-loaded energy too, not just mental.
Now for me the most interesting and well designed action i found in it, is without a doubt the high pro-sociability effects like wanting to talk, being with people, desinihbition, and so on... I want to stress out how hard it is to mimic that from real cocaine, to give you an example i've tried many RCs and drugs in the past and only methlyphenidate (Ritalin) (and to some extend 3-FPM) was capable of pulling that pro-social cocaine-mimetic effect.
It has little to none effects of being a functional drug, its heavily weighted towards a dopaminergic based stimulant, it is addictive, i would say the ratios are 20-fold stronger for dopamine over noradrenaline, and 50-fold over seratonin, but you can still feel the seratonin part of the stimulant, I feel like it probably has something like 3-FEA, or 2-FMA. Almost sure it contains seratoin releaser.
The feeling good effects last about 1h30min to 2h, after that the drug slowly leaves your system.
As soon as I tried my first line, dosed 130mg, I knew i should have bought more lol.
It's addictive, you will have a lot of fun playing aroud with it and you'll feel sad when its over.
Thats all. I'm happy to find this cocaine-mimetic, and this Fake Coco Chanel stands out with merit.
First of all the powder is just beautiful, it resembles real cocaine, even has the same light shine. It does not smell like a synthetic chemical too, it does not have that pyrro-like industrial smell if you know what i mean.
It has some kind of numbing agent because i've put in my mouth and my tongue was numb. I really like when fake cocains try to mimic these secondary proprieties of the drug.
By insuff it is very smooth, you almost dont feel it go as you snort, thats very impressive.
Now about the effects:
Whatever this drug dose-combination is, it is damn strong! With as little as 50mg you do feel the effects quite nicely, because of that, you end up doing lines the size of real cocaine lines.
The most prominent effect is a hint of euphoria that is very short-lived and a spike in your energy levels, this includes body-loaded energy too, not just mental.
Now for me the most interesting and well designed action i found in it, is without a doubt the high pro-sociability effects like wanting to talk, being with people, desinihbition, and so on... I want to stress out how hard it is to mimic that from real cocaine, to give you an example i've tried many RCs and drugs in the past and only methlyphenidate (Ritalin) (and to some extend 3-FPM) was capable of pulling that pro-social cocaine-mimetic effect.
It has little to none effects of being a functional drug, its heavily weighted towards a dopaminergic based stimulant, it is addictive, i would say the ratios are 20-fold stronger for dopamine over noradrenaline, and 50-fold over seratonin, but you can still feel the seratonin part of the stimulant, I feel like it probably has something like 3-FEA, or 2-FMA. Almost sure it contains seratoin releaser.
The feeling good effects last about 1h30min to 2h, after that the drug slowly leaves your system.
As soon as I tried my first line, dosed 130mg, I knew i should have bought more lol.
It's addictive, you will have a lot of fun playing aroud with it and you'll feel sad when its over.
Thats all. I'm happy to find this cocaine-mimetic, and this Fake Coco Chanel stands out with merit.
- Attachments
- IMG_20231101_042332_HDR~2.jpg (283.14 KiB)
- Fake Coco Chanel bag
- IMG_20231101_042332_HDR~2.jpg (283.14 KiB)
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Przychodzi w formie prochu z pomniejszymi grudkami. Wygląda jak śnieg i kruszy się bardzo łatwo. Odczynnik speedujący, ale pozostawiający czysty, niezajebany informacjami umysł. Sniff wchodzi bezboleśnie i nie zapycha.
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Panowie badacze nie mam wagi. Zawsze wszystko na oko i jakoś szło ale z tym nie miałem doczynienia. Ile dać na początek żeby nie przegiąć? Jakiś odnośnik "na oko"?
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
CzarnyFuriat, dziękuję za podpowiedzi. Wziąłem z Ciekawości ale zaczynam się trochę tego bać :p doświadczenie miałem duże z oryginałem i tam zawsze jak leciało. Tak samo z mateuszem zawsze ile leciało. w każdym razie wiem jak do tego podejść. Dam znać jak paczka dojdzie jakie odczucia nowicjusza. Piona
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
Michalrs, nie ma problemu nie dziękuj tylko pamietaj o microdosingu żeby nie przegiąć i się nie przestymulować. Zdaj relacje jak było chetnie poczytam i milych testów ja też jestem w trakcie badania pewnego odczynnika ale nie z tego sklepu akurat.
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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na zdjęciu wygląda tak... aż korci żeby spróbować
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
chrzanik mordeczko
Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Fake Coco Chanel - opinions, reviews, effects, description
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Nr tel mam anonimowy(słup) więc z tym nie problem...
Proźba dajcie znać.
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Oraz o połączenie czy założyć pocztę poprzez Tor Browser, lub DotVPN który ten program ma w sobie połączenie bezpośrednie poprzez TOR?
Nr tel mam anonimowy(słup) więc z tym nie problem...
Proźba dajcie znać.