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Prosimy zgłaszajcie nam takie problemy na email byśmy na bieżąco wiedzieli gdzie co w danym momencie naprawić.
Profil sklepu: blacksheeping
Ostatni post z poprzedniej strony:
Prosimy zgłaszajcie nam takie problemy na email byśmy na bieżąco wiedzieli gdzie co w danym momencie naprawić.
How many times can you come here saying the same thing? We already saw your posts couple pages back. If you got to an agreement with vendor about reship then why did you see the need to come back here and write it all again?zeeisus pisze: ↑1 rok temuHere I only read good things about other products from blacksheeping, but the 2-FDCK was bad, so bad there was no effect. I would like to know why?
And for those who wonder if there was something issue with me, for your information I tested it on two other test subjects who didn't have tolerance to dissos or any medication that would affect or block the product. Also four different ROA's was tested just to make sure it was the product and not because of the test subjects.
I am very grateful for the vendor to fix this matter, hope the next sheepment will be better, will see. I hope it will restore my trust in this vendor so I can shop there in the future, because I'm interested in other products that I have read good things from here. Plus the packing was superb! Future will tell is vendor gonna deliver and restore my trust. I will hope for the best.![]()
owieczka wyslana i jest w drodze, numer sledznia przesłaliśmy na email i trzymaj od nas 15% rabatu na kolejne zamówienie za zwłoke.
https://blacksheeping.shop/strona-glowna/75-208-registered-sim-card.html#/176-sim_card_poland-5Fifth Element pisze: ↑1 rok temuO i fajnie że sprawa git załatwiona
To mnie się podoba
POLAND SIM CARD - z jakiej sieci są blacksheeping, ?