Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: powdermaster » 6 lata temu

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IPH złożone mam nadzieję że bezpiecznie wyląduje w moim DVD :)

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: hp505 » 6 lata temu

hp505 pisze:
6 lata temu
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">I ordered 10g nep white powder and 0.25g etizolam (order no *******) and predator sent me 0.25g etizolam and only 1 gram NEP! </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">I do not know how it is under MOQ, but I am waiting for them. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Everyone please be aware of this!</font></font>
Pred is reshipping for me! Classy as always! thank you friends

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: predatorRC » 6 lata temu

hp505 pisze:
6 lata temu
I ordered 10g nep white powder and 0.25g etizolam (order no*******) and predator sent me 0.25g etizolam and only 1 gram NEP! I don’t know how that is even possible when it’s under the MOQ, but I am waiting for them to respond to any of my emails about reshipping what I paid for! Everyone please be aware this might happen to you as well!
you send us email and what is your goal to wrote it here ?
from the position of a client i think the people know or already experienced that when you send lot of orders and people are packing the packages not robots there always will be some mistakes
like you it was 10g but they packed really fast and maybe they did not seen 0 and did 1
we are resending all order to you once again so please wait always calm to get a respond from us.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: hp505 » 6 lata temu

predatorRC pisze:
6 lata temu
hp505 pisze:
6 lata temu
I ordered 10g nep white powder and 0.25g etizolam (order no ********) and predator sent me 0.25g etizolam and only 1 gram NEP! I don’t know how that is even possible when it’s under the MOQ, but I am waiting for them to respond to any of my emails about reshipping what I paid for! Everyone please be aware this might happen to you as well!
you send us email and what is your goal to wrote it here ?
from the position of a client i think the people know or already experienced that when you send lot of orders and people are packing the packages not robots there always will be some mistakes
like you it was 10g but they packed really fast and maybe they did not seen 0 and did 1
we are resending all order to you once again so please wait always calm to get a respond from us.
I sent email over ** hours ago, and you hadn't responded. I posted it here and you updated it immediately. I believe it was good for both parties, because the community gets to see that you corrected the mistake, and I get to get a response from you faster. Did not mean for this to be a bad thing, I posted above immediately letting people know you are fixing it!

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: aras » 6 lata temu

Sorry to interrupt you my friend.
They are very busy sometimes, 24h might not be enough time for them to reply.
Its also a weekend, they could be off.

There are strict rules on this forum not to write any details about postage, methods, packing, days, orders etc.

So next time just maybe wait a little longer or use one of vendors other emails.
From my experience - they replied to each of my messages, even when I was frustrated and wrote the similar e-mail only a few hours later. Also had some issue with an order and I was a little angry, but they leveled it all out promptly.
They sometimes make mistakes, but always sort you out.

So patience please and importantly remember about SECURITY of the vendor, your own, Dopek and other of its users :)

Im glad you got it sorted!
Enjoy your NEP :D - I wish I had some ;)
Psychodela, psychodeliczny styl!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: hp505 » 6 lata temu

aras pisze:
6 lata temu
Sorry to interrupt you my friend.
They are very busy sometimes, 24h might not be enough time for them to reply.
Its also a weekend, they could be off.

There are strict rules on this forum not to write any details about postage, methods, packing, days, orders etc.

So next time just maybe wait a little longer or use one of vendors other emails.
From my experience - they replied to each of my messages, even when I was frustrated and wrote the similar e-mail only a few hours later. Also had some issue with an order and I was a little angry, but they leveled it all out promptly.
They sometimes make mistakes, but always sort you out.

So patience please and importantly remember about SECURITY of the vendor, your own, Dopek and other of its users :)

Im glad you got it sorted!
Enjoy you NEP :D
You are right my friend. I did not mean to hurt the vendor and tried to not mention anything related to the order other than contents, however I did jump the gun. I thought it was a good PR way for them to once again show their commitment to making right any wrong, but I do see how this could come off very rude. I am not even upset about the mistake I know it happens with such a large company. I just was impatient when things take weeks to my country and then so little arrives haha. Is there a way for me to remove my previous comments? I will if I can. Sorry to all again. PRED always comes through I had no doubt in my mind

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: aras » 6 lata temu

The comment is ok, you can complain about Predator here :D :D

Just the order details not necessary, I think its not a huge error, the moderator can censor it if its neccessary.

Man tell me about it.
My first order with them had an issue and I was sober for 4 weeks, until all got sorted haha.

Its all good mate :)
Psychodela, psychodeliczny styl!
My walczymy dla niego, my walczymy wraz z nim!

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: 3Emcek » 6 lata temu

Witam, jak wygląda kupowanie bitcoinow przez poczte? jest to opcja bez konta bankowego? :think: Jestem kompletnie zielony jesli chodzi o kryptowaluty.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: MuszeKupic » 6 lata temu

Ej ludzie to Predi wysyła już do polski?? Bo nie na czasie jestem ostatnio. :D

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Vers » 6 lata temu

Nsp sa nirlegalne na terenie RP a zakup z poza ich granic jak i na jego granicach jest nielegalny ile razy mozna walkowac.
Lecz predator korzysta z trchnologi blue-ray i jego cd wyskakuja w kazdym napedzie optycznym

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Cater » 6 lata temu

MuszeKupic pisze:
6 lata temu
Ej ludzie to Predi wysyła już do polski?? Bo nie na czasie jestem ostatnio. :D
to zalezy czy zamawiasz do polski
~Liseu Wonchacz

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Legend » 6 lata temu

Na takie pytania nikt tutaj nie odpowie. Jak wiemy w Polsce jest to nielegalne. Zwróć się do vendora z tym pytaniem na maila!
Wszystkie testy substancji prowadzone są poza granicami RP! Moje posty to fikcja, sny i nie mają nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością. Uważaj zanim przyjmiesz coś nielegalnego! Zastanów się 3 razy! Narkotyki i RC to zło!

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: SeVen » 6 lata temu


Ludzie zapominają się, chyba, gdzie jest granica sklepu, a klienta... znowu są podstawy naginane.

Zalogujcie się na konta sklepu, a będziecie wiedzieć jak zamawiać, płacić, odbierać, działać.

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Kokaspaniel » 6 lata temu

Ten post ma wysoką reputację.

josiek pisze:
6 lata temu
Na takie pytania nikt tutaj nie odpowie. Jak wiemy w Polsce jest to nielegalne. Zwróć się do vendora z tym pytaniem na maila!
Nikt normalny nie wysyła do Polski, jednak do San Eskobar już można, tam prawo nie obowiązuje, tak jak w landach nie podlegającym reżimom Al Kwa'czakar'a i Al El Tuskan'inho

Zresztą były chyba jakieś 3 przypadki że nierozsądni vendorzy próbowali przemycić do Polski przesyłkę i wszystkie 3 zostały zatrzymane, a akcja opisana szeroko w internetach, w dziale Nowości ze świata .. na forum masz linki ;)
W badaniach nie biorą udziału zwierzęta!
Not tested on animals!

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: Feter » 6 lata temu

Ogółem dociera moze z opóźnieniem ale lataja bociany .Bede chetny na nową sub fcp za ten przymusowy detox prawie mies .
aj predek chba arab strzelil mojego bociana haha

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Predator-rc - opinie i recenzje o sklepie

Nieprzeczytany post autor: SeVen » 6 lata temu

Wszystkiego dobrego ;)